Prepare for the Ultimate Knight Revival: Plastic Forge World Acheron Sprue Leaked

forge-world-rumorsFirst, the Lancer was revealed in plastic, and now the Knight Acheron sprue has been leaked, signaling the change from Forge World resin!

This isn’t a huge surprise, as GW already confirmed and showed off a plastic Cerastus Knight Lancer, and people even asked questions about more plastic knights at Warhammer Fest.

Q; Will all the Cerastus Knights be released in plastic? 
A: Looks like it is likely we will see Castigator and Acheron eventually. Not 100%, but likely. 
plastic lancer titan

Either way, it’s great to see that there are more plastic Knights on the horizon that were previously hundreds of dollars from Forge World.

However, this is a leaked picture, and even though it looks legit, nothing is 100% until GW confirms it. So, just like with any leak, we don’t really know if this means months away or even longer, so take this with as much salt as you need.

Plastic Forge World  Knight Acheron Sprue Leak

The picture comes from the Heresy Hammer Show on Instagram from a supposed eBay listing.

knight acheron sprue leak

Supposedly Taken From An eBay Listing


Forge World Knight Acheron in Resin

This opens up a few options for the upcoming plastic knights. First, this looks to be a pure weapon sprue for the Forge World Knight Acheron, meaning GW could package this with the same body/legs as the Lancer and sell it as its own kit, or they could put both options in one kit.

However, being that there are three Cerastus class knights, that may be a bit much for the initial release in Games Workshop’s eyes as they tend to only do that later on in the life of a product.

Either way, getting both options in one kit would be nice. The more likely possibility is that this is not very far behind the Lancer, and we’ll get three separate Ceratus class box set releases.

Plastic Knight Lancer

Warhammer Community posted a breakdown for the new plastic Knight Lancer, so let’s dive into what is actually confirmed as of this writing.

plastic lancer titan

Cerastus-class Knights are noble and warlike steeds, built for speed and aggression. Ridden by the most impetuous of a Knight House’s Noble scions, they’re armed with deadly close-range weaponry suited for their role of routing the flanks of enemy armies.

As with most of these kits, the legs and body are, in all likelihood, going to be the exact same for either knight, and then just the arms/ weapon options are going to be different. With the Cerastus being confirmed, it was only a matter of time before the Acheron came out.

However, we might have the release date for the Acheron already now too…

HH roadmap 2023

The Knight Lancer is confirmed for summer, and if you look at Autumn, it says more Lords of War… which could perhaps be the Acheron itself. So, as of right now, it looks like Games Workshop may do a separate release in Autumn for this or some other Lord of War model!

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

Are you excited to see a plastic Knight Cerastus coming to the line for the Acheron? 

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