GW Reveals More Release Details About The Horus Heresy

HOrus-Heresy-coming-2023Games Workshop revealed more details for upcoming plans and releases for Horus Heresy during a quick Q&A session at Warhammer Fest.

Horus Heresy continues to put our releases at a pretty fast rate. Still, these questions give some insight into where the game is going, if everything will eventually move to plastic, and if we will get more full releases for things other than Space Marines.

Here are the quick links to all the previews from Warhammer Fest 2023. Click on any of them for the full articles below!

Let’s dive into the questions.

5 Big Q&A Horus Heresy Reveals at Warhammer Fest 2023

After the streamed Horus Heresy preview at Warhammer Fest 2023, presenter Eddie Eccles did a Q&A session with the 800 or so audience members that watched live.

Here are the five big reveals for Horus Heresy during a quick Q&A session at Warhammer Fest 2023!

Lord-castellan Evander Garrius

Q: Will GW Release Legion Specific Squads (like Deathshroud) in Plastic?
A: We are not likely to see Legion-specific squads. While core products are likely to be turned plastic. this is not a never or impossible, but more of a range space issue in stores and warehouses. 
This is interesting because they say all the core products will eventually be turned into plastic. However, this still leaves room for them to make non-core products through Forge World. So it looks like they want to move more of the game to plastic, but certainly not everything.
Q; Will all the Cerastus Knights be released in plastic? 
A: Looks like it is likely we will see Castigator and Acheron eventually. Not 100%, but likely. 
plastic lancer titan
This only makes sense as if they are willing to make one, why not do the rest? They give no hints on a timeframe, but when they say likely, it generally means something is already in the works.
Q: When will the Primarch Khan get a bike?
A: It’s possible to see if they go through the Primarchs again. 
They have said they would rework the Primarchs, starting with Horus Ascendant, so maybe this will work out eventually, but who knows when.
HH roadmap 2023
Q: Will the Imperial Army get released in Plastic?
A: Probably at some point, we will get to it. 
The Imperial Army may be the “non” Space Marines release this fall, or that could just be the Epic Warhammer box. Either way, it would be nice to see. 
Q: Will you make other army Marks? Will we see Mk2 in HH?
A: Possibly. 
deredeo plastic?
Possibly is about the vaguest answer you can get, but it’s not a no! Remember that their preview image at the end of the Fest presentation showed art for a Deredeo and MK III armored marines.
Q: Will you ever produce plastic Breachers? 
A: At some point. 
This is as confirmed as something generally gets from these Q&As, and generally, when they say that, it means they have the kit done and just waiting for release.

Check out the latest Warhammer 40k rumors for the rest of the 9th and even 10th Edition, new releases, and more!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still to be revealed!

    All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

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