GW Exclusives, Kruleboyz & Stormcast Pricing CONFIRMED!

new-releases-aos-wave-1The next wave of Kruleboyz and Stormcast are hitting the shelves soon along with the exclusive vampire and Primaris Lieutenant!

Get those hobby dollars ready if you want any of these pre-orders from Games Workshop on Saturday, October 23rd, 2021.

Kruleboyz & Stormcast Pricing CONFIRMED!

Unfortunately, the dragons have been delayed, so even though we’ve seen these minis for months, you still can’t grab them all quite yet. At least this does finish off the Kruleboyz releases, so if you play them, at least you can finish off your army!

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Vampire Lord Anasta Malkorion $35

Warhammer Day Exclusive Minis 2Phwoar. This Primaris Lieutenant With Storm Shield will be joined by the Vampire Lord Anasta Malkorion, with both miniatures available for a strictly limited time starting on Warhammer Day itself, the 30th of October, until the 7th of November. Anasta Malkorion will be available in stores and online, but you’ll only be able to acquire our brave Lieutenant from Games-Workshop.com.

Unfortunately, the Space Marine will be a webstore exclusive, but you can grab the vampire from your local stores.

Lord-Commander Bastian Carthalos $40


Lord-Commander Bastian CarthalosThe head honcho of the Hammers of Sigmar, Bastian Carthalos strides onto the battlefield with one purpose – to obliterate all those who stand against Sigmar. An awe-inspiring warrior, Carthalos comes complete with his whopping meteoric grandhammer, Uskavar, and possibly the most glorious cape ever seen in the Mortal Realms. 

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As the “head honcho” you can expect this man to bring the pain and also some support to any Hammers of Sigmar list!

Knight-Relictor $35

Knights-RelictorThese morbid Heroes may be less likely to get into a brawl – though that spiked mace packs a punch – instead, they prefer to burn the bones of martyrs and offer up prayers to Sigmar to bolster your forces.

Knight-Relictors, on the other hand, are more focused on support and are a good character if you want to buff up other models.

Vanquishers $60

VanquishersDespite the widespread belief that the Stormcast Eternals see every problem as a nail to be hammered, some of them use sharp weapons. Take the Vanquishers, elite swordsmen who meditate with their swords until their spirit becomes one with these mystical blades.

Not to mention the Stormcast take on the old-school “greatswords” unit is a great one, looking absolutely sweet.

Vigilors $60

VigilorsKitted out in a lightweight variant of thunderstrike armour and covered in flowing robes, Vigilors are a recon unit armed with Stormcaller bows. You can use these archers to pincushion their enemies, making it easier for the rest of your forces to hit them. One even has a map, so there’s no chance they’ll get lost on their way to the battlefield.

Range is hard to come by for some factions, which make every option one worth considering, luckily with some built-in support, these might just make it into a few lists.

Praetors $45

PraetorsThese bodyguards are so closely bound to their ward that they begin to take on their personality traits – and they can take on the wounds that they suffer too.

Not to mention they can help protect your fantastic characters, making them very attractive for lists with important leaders.

Annihilators $50

AnnihilatorsAnnihilators do precisely what their name suggests, charging into enemies with such fury and momentum that few are left standing. 

As the beef-cakes of the faction, these elite bodies will work wonders if you can protect them and make sure they get into melee to smack some skulls.

Vindictors $50

VindictorsFinally, the rank-and-file of the thunderstrike-armoured warriors – the Vindictors are also up for pre-order next Saturday. These formidable spear-wielding warriors are the perfect Battleline unit.

These spartan-like rank and file units are perfect for battleline, and might also just be a fun unit to paint.

Man-skewer Boltboyz $45

Man-skewer Boltboyz

First seen in the Dominion boxed set are these deadly ranged units. The Man-skewer Boltboyz come complete with an option for a unit champion who has a fancy – and grotesque – banner to mark him out. 

As one of the anticipated yet-to-be re-released kits, this repackage is great new for Kruleboyz players looking for more ranged support and didn’t want to get them on the secondary market.

Hobgrot Slittaz $50

Hobgrot SlittazThese servile gitz are perfect for screening your more valuable orruks, and the kit comes with many options for musicians, standard-bearers, and leaders – or as we like to call them, bullies.

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Fall of the Necromancer™ $50

Fall of the NecromancerThe Fall of the Necromancer expansion for the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game delves into the history of Sauron the Necromancer. This tome covers the story of Sauron’s covert rise to power within Dol Guldur all the way up to the White Council’s showdown with Necromancer himself.

This new narrative journey has a whopping 13 scenarios and rules for four new legendary legions to spice up the tabletop!

The Witch-king of Angmar™ $35

The Witch-king of AngmarFor those of you who have thrown your lot in with the forces of evil, feast your eyes on this stunning plastic Witch-king of Angmar miniature, which builds the Lord of the Nazgûl both mounted and on foot.

Easily one of the cooler bad guys in LOTR, this new figure looks sweet! Not to mention the mounted pose has some serious similarities to the old-school mounted Archaon!

Ruins of Dol Guldur™ $65

Ruins of Dol GuldurThis brilliantly modular kit can be built in a variety of ways, and you can create a sprawling fortress of darkness and evil by grabbing multiple kits. This set even contains the first Middle-earth scaled skulls for macabre decoration.

It will also go perfectly with the new narrative scenarios within the new book!

Dark Powers of Dol Guldur™ and Angmar™ Dice Sets $18

Dark Powers of Dol Guldur™ and Angmar™ Dice SetsAs with most major releases, you’ll be able to pick up some dope new themed dice!

White Dwarf 468 (Sept-21) $11

White Dwarf 468There’s also plenty for Warhammer 40,000 and Warhammer Age of Sigmar fans to dig into, including the latest installment of Flashpoint Octarius, Index Astartes: The Wolfspear, Tome Celestial: Slaves to Darkness, and more. Just look at that Contents page.

All the Newest GW Model Previews For Oct & Beyond

Are you excited about these Aos and LoTR releases this week? What will you be picking up?

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