Latest On 40k Orks, Deepkin, Forge World & Shadespire

By Rob Baer | October 7th, 2022 | Categories: Humble Bundle, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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It was a busy weekend for news on the wargame front. From Deepkin to 40k Orks, and more don’t miss the latest news and product happenings for Forge World, Shadespire, GW and more!

There was a lot of news across the hobby this weekend, as we’re once again seeing new releases from Forge World, Black Library, and all sorts of news related to 40k and Sigmar.  So enjoy our recap of the all the coverage you may have missed!

Warhammer Conquest Magazine Delay from Publisher

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Production of the Warhammer Conquest publication has been put on pause. Come find out the latest on the GW exclusive magazine and what it means for subscribers.

Save $$ on Drukhari: Start Collecting Set Breakdown

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The Drukhari (Dark Eldar) will soon be getting a new Start Collecting box, and today we’re going to be breaking it down to show you exactly how many hobby dollars you’ll be saving.

New Humble Bundle Offers Black Library & DoW Cheap

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Looking for a great deal on Black Library, and GW licensed video games like Dawn of War? The Humble Bundle has some great deals for as little as a $1 donation to a charity of your choice.

Valdor Finally Arrives With New FW Custodes Releases

We’re seeing new Adeptus Custodes releases coming out of Forge World that are now available for pre-order today, including the new Valdor mini.

New Shadespire Cards Spotted: APR White Dwarf

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Come see a preview of the newest Shadespire cards for the Fastriders and Magore’s Fiends that are coming soon from the latest Khorne and Stormcast Expansions.

APR GW Release Dates & New Idoneth Deepkin Pics

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Today we’re getting a peek at more Idoneth Deepkin from the upcoming White Dwarf, and what’s on the way release wise from Games Workshop in April.

2018 40k Release RUMORS, Featuring the Orks!

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There’s a new rumor floating around giving us more information on the 2018 40k release timetable and the Orks release in detail. Come find out the latest on Orks in 8th edition.

So that’s a wrap on all the news from this weekend related to the games we love. It looks like we’re finally starting to see the release picture for GW develop for April with tons of spoilers and rumors abound. 

Make sure you go back and check out all the things you may have missed over the weekend.

next 3 codex books

Latest News & Rumors from Games Workshop