Layering Skin Colors on Miniatures: Monument Hobbies Tutorial

Layering Skin Colors on MiniaturesThis time around, Monument Hobbies shows how simple and effective layering skin colors on miniatures can be!

Monument Hobbies is known for having some of the best and most affordable paints on the market! But they also have an extensive collection of painting tutorials and paint guides- like this one on getting your skin tones looking amazing!

Their tutorials are perfect for getting your models on the table and looking dope.

As a note, all the paints and tools used in this video will be from them, and you can pick up all the colors, washes, and hobby supplies here. Let’s see how to do it!

Layering Skin Colors on Miniatures: Monument Hobbies Tutorial

Layering Skin Colors on Miniatures 2We’ll learn how to do this on the back of this mini here. To start, Jason lays out Dark Flesh, Shadow Flesh, and Tanned Flesh on his palette, and that will be the starting point of the mini. Now, let’s see how to do it!

Step 1:

Layering Skin Colors on Miniatures 3To start building the layers, he mixes Dark Flesh with Shadow Flesh in a 50/50 mix and leaves only the darkest recesses with only the Dark Flesh. You want enough opacity that you only need one pass. You don’t want to do a bunch of passes of every mix.

Step 2:

Layering Skin Colors on Miniatures 4Typically, he would go right to Shadow Flesh here, but he mixes in a little bit of Dark Flesh (lighter than before) and hits the majority of the skin but still leaves the darkest recesses and a little bit of the previous color.

Then, you move to just Shadow Flesh and repeat the same process, painting a little bit smaller of an area than before. This has only used two colors up to this point, so you don’t need a ton.

Step 3:

Layering Skin Colors on Miniatures 5Now, he mixes some Tanned Flesh with Shadow Flesh and just repeats the same process as before, brightening up your skin closest to the light source. Then, he makes the mix even brighter and does the same thing again.

Step 4:

Layering Skin Colors on Miniatures 6Now he moves to pure Tanned Flesh and repeats the process again, but hitting very small areas this time. Basically, you want to paint yourself into a corner, so you only have enough space left to paint. You essentially turned three colors into seven here by mixing the pain in between steps.

It’s basically a 50% rule; each layer gets around 50% brighter, and you paint less and less area each time.

Step 5:

Layering Skin Colors on Miniatures 7You have another option here: to either darken or brighten the model. You can heavily water down (or use Glaze Medium) the lighter color and glaze the whole thing, or you can use the darker color to make it all darker with a simple glaze. And there you have it, some amazing-looking skin without much hassle!

Be sure to watch the video below for all the details!

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