LIVE Reveals From Games Workshop’s Adepticon Preview

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The time is now, GW is previewing more of their 2019 releases tonight at Adepticon 2019. We are covering the event live as it unfolds from 8pm to 10pm EST

We saw a ton of previews already from GW for the 2019 release calendar at the LVO, GAMA and have been hearing a ton of rumors about more possible campaign books, Sisters, and even new Primaris Space Marines as well.

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Warhammer Community at Adepticon 2019

From the Warhammer Community page, it looks they have previews for everyone that couldn’t make the event!

All the New things

The first Warhammer Exclusive model that was available at the event is a Primaris Lieutenant.


Preview Reveals Courtesy of Sepulchre of Heroes

Soul wars/forbidden power- slot of nagash stuff
Ghost bone boat spell
Nagash head spell
Ghost bridge
Gryosphere terrain (orium?) – penumbra engine able to be used by any army
Storm vaults opened by the necroquake

2019 new battletome for every Alliance
Video fyreslayers battletome
“Equivalent of endless spells”
Magma monster spell- “force of nature summoned from underground”
Fireball spell
Wall spell
Duardin forge terrain

Looncurse- squig rider ate a fairy
Goblins vs trees?

Kharadron overlords
5 guys- 1 floaty dude, 1 engineer
“Literally brought guns to a knife fight”

War cry
Across the mortal realms chaos mortals send their best to join Archaon’s hordes.
6 factions
Gladiator faction
Iron Golems faction “we create war” from the realm of metal. Forge weapons for archaon. Have chaos duardin.
2 new daemons- death chicken and New Jersey devil
8 more AoS factions in addition from across the range

New game this summer
New apocalypse
New game from the ground up
10k points in an evening
Giant box “mashed battle system”

Future of 40k
New warzones and more faction exploration. Vigilus only the beginning

Fifty shelves of grey
New paint stuff on the way
New tool to make painting easier than ever

Event exclusive model
Next year has 2. Terminator librarian. NOT a primaris marine

Community survey 2019
Coming spring 15th. Prize draw.
3 key areas
-community site
Prize- new sisters of battle army as soon as it comes out

One last thing
Realm of chaos
Slaneesh keeper of secrets- looks like a hindu god
New enless spells
Slaneesh face spell
Hand hold a mirror spell
Battletome hedoneths of slaneesh

Remember to check back all weekend long for the latest coverage from the 2019 Adepticon Convention and our expert opinions on the big reveals! Let us know what you think about what’s on the way to the tabletops in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group!

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