Lumineth Realm-lords Vanguard Box: What’s the Value?

Lumineth-Realm-lords-valueCheck out the pricing and value inside the Age of Sigmar Lumineth Realm-lords Vanguard Box in this savings breakdown!

Remember, these are mostly designed for new players to the latest faction and are marketed as a quick way to get an army on the table to play some small games fast.

Most times, the starter-style kits are a pretty good value. So even if you have some Lumineth already, this could be a decent value. 

Lumineth Realm-lords Vanguard Box: $130


Vanguard Lumineth Realm-lords

Start a Lumineth Realm-lords army – or add to an existing one – with their new Vanguard box. Lead your force into battle with the expert magics of the Scinari Cathallar, and anything that survives your magical onslaught can be chopped up by your Vanari Bladelords, run through by Vanari Auralan Wardens, or picked off at range with Vanari Auralan Sentinels.

  • Scinari Cathallar $33.50
  • Vanari Bladelords $60
  • Vanari Auralan Wardens $60
  • Vanari Auralan Sentinels $60

Total MSRP: $213.50

Savings Versus $130 Box Price: $83.50

Is the Lumineth Realm-lords Vanguard Box Value Worth it?

Battletome Lumineth Realm-lords

This actually is a great box, in our opinion. You get a ton of minis, all of which make for a good starter force. Then, the value itself is really high as for just $130, getting $83.50 in value is one of the highest values we’ve seen in a while!

If you’re looking to get into the army or want to expand your forces, pick this one up.

While they have had a lot of boxes released throughout the years for them, this one gives you some good battleline units and only a single character, which is nice since the value isn’t wasted on characters. Still, hard to go wrong with more dudes on the battlefield!

What to Get Next For the Lumineth Realm-lords?

Dawn ridersLumineth has access to some really interesting choices and a lot of fast options. So, if you are just grabbing this to start, we would recommend going with either some Dawnriders or Windchargers so you can actually get where you need to go!

Then, with this only having a mage, you’ll want a hero that can get into the thick of the fighting. They have many named characters and generic ones, but either way, you need some combat power.

This will give you a decent little starting force. From there, you’ll have to decide which way you want to go with your army.

Do you want a ton of foot soldiers? Maybe add some Ballistas and Stoneguard (or maybe 2 of these) to give you more firepower and buff up your front lines.

If you want to go fast, add more calvary, and they have plenty of super speedy characters to choose from!

All The AoS Vanguard Boxes: Pricing & Value Breakdown

Will you be picking this up? Do you like the value and savings inside the Lumineth Realm-lords Vanguard Box? 

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