Magic The Gathering Tells Customers & Bank of America NO!

By Travis Pasch | November 29th, 2022 | Categories: Hasbro, Magic The Gathering, Warhammer 40k Rumors, WizKids

magic-the-gathering-tells-everyone-noWizards of the Coast isn’t too concerned with fatigue for all the Magic the Gathering card sets they have been releasing; here’s why.

Last week we looked at Bank of America’s dive into Hasbro’s new approach to Wizards of the Coast and Magic The Gathering. However, the statement their current Senior Communications Manager said it looks like they aren’t too interested in the problems (really, accusations from BofA). 

We’ll have to see how it all plays out, but it’s interesting to hear someone high up in the team talk about the problems. Plus, no one really knows if the reserve list will be changing soon, which could lead to a massive drop in collector prices and the brand overall.

Wizards of the Coast Tells Customers & Bank of America NO!


Wizards 404This is the reserve list/reprint policy page, which has been 404ed for a while and does not bode well with the current reprinting of many cards on the existing (well, existing before the 404) list.

This could be bad news, as we’ve heard rumors that this is down because they are making some significant changes to the list. Perhaps Wizards is about to change the reserve list with 30th-anniversary packs set to go on sale Cyber Monday.

It could always be something else, but it is not looking good with the current climate out there regarding business changes and reprints. 

A Direct Response From Wizards of The Coast (sort of)

Wizards says noNext up, Blake Rasmussen, Senior Communications Manager for Magic: The Gathering, hosts a weekly Twitch/YT show. In this, he was asked a question whether or not Wizards is going to slow down their release schedule to let players catch up or not. Honestly, whoever asked the question worded it well, not to be accusatory, and just as a way to let players catch up.

However, his answer was, perhaps, not exactly what many players were looking for…

Magic the Gathering New Release Fatigue

Bank of America Magic the GatheringFrom BofA Research, to show the increase in releases.

He starts by saying, “There’s a lot to unpack in that question, and we could spend a whole episode on it.” This is a fair answer as it’s not that simple; however, his follow-up could be a bit tone-deaf given the current climate opinion-wise about Magic the Gather

He goes on to say that the short answer is “not really.”

The long answer is that they hear peoples’ concerns and will possibly do something to address them. He says they have talked about it a lot internally, and want to balance player types, how people enjoy the game, et al. Really though, he only spends about a minute talking about it and just more or less says no, they are not changing…

So just interesting to hear they know of the issues and, at least according to their Senior Communications Manager, are making no changes in the near future.

Be sure to watch the video below (it should jump right to the part where he talks about it) to hear what he has to say. Also, but sure to watch chat because it gets a little wild.

So as new release Fatigue for Magic the Gathering seems to be a real thing to people like Bank of America and consumers, to Wizards, maybe not so much?

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