Maligned Portents Site Live & Behind The Scenes

By Juan Lopez | January 4th, 2018 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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The new Maligned Portents site is now live and it has a lot to offer. Come check it out and take a look at the behind the scenes video.

The Maligned Portents previews have been going on for a couple weeks now, only revealing convoluted messages of mystery and darkness. Well, that’s changed today now that Games Workshop has finally made the website live. While things are still dark and mysterious, the behind the scenes video is giving us a look at why.

Let’s check it out and take a look at the new characters.

So it seems Nagash is making his move to take over the mortal realms, and the darkness is sweeping across the lands. But Stormcast won’t be giving up without a fight, and Nagash has a rough road ahead of him. No one really knows what his next move will be, but it will be revealed more as the story continues.

We also saw four new models revealed during the previews, and the new site is giving us a look at their background and what it is that makes them important in the time of the Maligned Portents.

Darkoath Warqueen


…can hope to survive in the living hellscape that is the dominion of Chaos. Only those with a touch of madness to fuel that strength can hope to prosper. Each Darkoath Warqueen has clawed her way to supremacy over the bodies of a thousand challengers. Her path to ascension is paved not only with the corpses of those who thought themselves her equal, but also the monstrous cadavers of behemoths she has slain to prove her might.

Fungoid Cave Shaman


…Cave-Shamans are not right in the head, even before they become host to colonies of potent fungi. To these green-skinned lunatics, to get lost in a manic vision is to grow closer to the side of Gorkamorka that epitomises cunning and tricksiness over brute strength, which is the side that all grots like best. The Fungoid Cave-Shamans were the first to direct the hordes of Destruction to Shyish in search of the Waaagh! to end all Waaaghs!.

Knight of Shrouds


…of the human soul, the Knight of Shrouds rides at the head of a massed gathering of the undead. He drives his fellow Nighthaunts to slaughter the living wherever the light of hope and progress shines out from the darkness, his disembodied voice ringing out over the moans of the deceased. With him comes disaster, for he is a dread omen given form, a herald of deathly fates sent to bring the word of Nagash to those who would defy him.

Lord Ordinator


…Stormcast Eternal officers to reinforce those territories claimed by Sigmar’s Tempest. Working in close concert with the Lord- Castellants that guarded each site, the Lord-Ordinators oversaw the construction of the Stormkeeps, and dealt extensively with the Dispossessed work gangs that raised them high. Each a combination of arcane engineer and celestial prophet, the Lord-Ordinators are tasked with helping to shape the future to the God-King’s will through the observation of these two sacred duties.

Overall the Maligned Portents looks like it’s going to be a great new twist on the already popular Age of Sigmar. We look forward to finding out more, and seeing what Nagash has planned,2 as the story is revealed. Make sure you’re checking back in with us for the latest updates.

What are your thoughts on the Maligned Portents? What faction are you going to be playing? Let us know in the comments below.

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