Mannfred Von Carstein Dynasty Rules For Soulblight Gravelords

soulblight-gravelords-vampires-titleGames Workshop revealed more Soulblight Gravelords rules for the upcoming book in the way of the Mannfred von Carstein Dynasty Rules!

Warhammer Community unveiled new rules for the Legion of Night, showing why Mannfred has one of the strongest bloodlines in the world! While they only give a single rule for the big guy himself, they cover plenty of other neat ways the army functions.

By the looks of it, the dynasties will all have a pretty varied playstyle, with a lot of deception and reserves! Let’s check out what the Legion of Night can do.

Mannfred von Carstein Dynasty Rules

Blood Knight Feature rIt looks like we’ll be getting a new set of rules every day. So click any of the links below to see what you may have missed.

The Bait

Mannred Von Carstein dynasty rulesWhy not make the most of your units of undead hordes by making them hard to put down? Your enemy will have to work extra hard to take them out, buying you time to get your best vampiric units into place.

Nothing too crazy, but adding one to your saves can never be a bad thing. If you’re fighting an army with serious reach on turn one, this can really come in handy. Especially when you consider you could start the game with nothing but these units on the battlefield.

Ageless Cunning

Mannred Von Carstein dynasty rules 2Holding back up to half your army is a risky tool to use, but it makes the Legion of Night highly reactive, adapting well to battlefield conditions. Plus, it’s safer to keep some distance until you’re ready.

This can really be annoying for your opponent and basically let you redeploy half your army on turn one if you want. Or you can save a couple of key units till turn two or three and really come with a big surprise attack. Overall this is an interesting mechanic that can go really well, but sometimes badly!

Above Suspicion

Mannred Von Carstein dynasty rules 3Mannfred appreciates a go-getter more than most, and there’s always a place for those with ambition, confidence, and a great attitude. He helps those who help themselves, so don’t hesitate to take advantage of every opportunity for self-advancement.

If you want to push your general into the thick of battle, this is a great way to do it. If you like ambushing your enemy and being hard to pin down, this is going to be the dynasty for you!

Gem of Exsanguination

Mannred Von Carstein dynasty rules 4Each dynasty has access to their own Artefacts of Power – Legion of Night heroes can plunder the Vaults of Carstinia. As one of the highest-ranking and longest-serving of all Nagash’s Mortarchs, he has amassed an enviable collection of potent artefacts.

Dealing Mortals is nice, but at only once per game, this may not be the most potent take. Just hope you roll a six when using this and not that pesky one! Because d6 mortals could really change the tide.

Mortharch of Night

Mannfred Von Carstein dynasty rules 5Unlike the callous Neferata, who’s so busy with her own plans she doesn’t even notice her subordinates, Mannfred’s always got an eye on you. If you’re ever in a pinch, he’s quick to come to your aid, even if he has to take some time out of his busy schedule to fit you in.

This is honestly pretty cool! If you get him stuck in a really bad spot, bam just transport him away to anywhere else on the battlefield! Or if you really need to grab something on the far side of the board, you can. Overall this army will be filled with cunning tactics, so if you feel like you’re the general to master it, this could be a super fun dynasty.

What do you think about the rules previewed so far? Will you be using this dynasty?

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