Marvel Crisis Protocol FAQ, Base Sizes, & Affiliations Updates

marvel-crisis-protcol-faqsWith new models coming to the game there is a new Marvel Crisis Protocol FAQ along with the updated base size and Affiliations lists.

When a wave of new releases hits, Atomic Mass Games does a good job of keeping everything updated. So if you were wondering how to fit the new models into your lists, these will help you out. Plus, we love that they keep the base sizes updated, as it’s easy to tell how big something should be.

Since these are fairly small changes, you can check out all the big updates from last November here.

September 9th, 2022 Marvel Crisis Protocol FAQ

crisis protocol september 2022 faq

There is only one change in the FAQ, but if you play Skurge, it’s good to know! They changed the rule surrounding the non-Skurge and Enchantress interaction for playing the card.

New Affiliation List

As far as affiliations, Three factions got updates. Technically two, since one of them is brand new!

crisis protocol september 2022 cabal

This time around, Cabal is getting two new additions.

We’ve got the entire Hydra faction added!

Plus three new additions for S.H.I.E.L.D, so rejoice if these are some of your favorite factions/affiliations.

Base Sizes

crisis protocol september 2022 base size 1


crisis protocol september 2022 base size 2

Again, this is for all the new units coming to the game. You usually don’t have to worry about this if you just buy the units from AMG. However, this is super useful if you’re gabbing models from the secondary market or converting your guys up.

Banned and Restricted Update

crisis protocol september 2022 banned and restricted

It’s sad to see things go, but it’s necessary sometimes to keep the game fun and reasonably balanced. That being said, this list is much shorter than some other games, so that’s a positive piece of mind!

Feb. 7 2022 Marvel Crisis Protocol FAQ

They also updated the banned and restricted list, by removing Doomed Prophecy as it’s Asgard only now. Let’s check out the rest of the Marvel Crisis Protocol changes coming, and if you want to download them for yourself, you can here.

Marvel Crisis FAQThere is only one change in the FAQ, but if you play Cap, it’s good to know! They made sure to add the non-Grunt keyword in there because it would be wild if you could keep benefiting from grunts’ continuous demise

New Affiliation List

Marvel Crisis Affiliation listAs we said, this is to just update how you can take this latest wave of new MCP models.

Marvel Crisis Affiliation list 2

Marvel Crisis Affiliation list 3

Plus two additions to X-force:

x force affilation additions

These are all of the lists that change, but this is a great download to have as it shows you how all the lists can be constructed.

Base Sizes

base sizes


base sizes 2Again, this is for all the new units coming to the game. You usually don’t have to worry about this if you just buy the units from AMG, however, this is super useful if you’re gabbing models from the secondary market or converting your guys up.

March 31st 2022 New Marvel Crisis Protocol FAQ

They basically just adjusted the dice rolls for Mystique and Beast to start things off. Then, Blade and Moon Knight also get a little bit of a change, but nothing too insane overall.

Marvel Crisis Protocol FAQLastly, they basically made it so Kingpin can’t use Grunts for his ability. This is a little sad because Kingpin seems like the type of guy to use plenty of Grunts to achieve his goals! But, it would be pretty crazy if you could use Grunts this way TBH

Marvel Crisis Protocol FAQ 2Then, they made changes to a lot of cards, so they threw those in there as well.

Grunts keywordMaybe most importantly, they added all the Grunt rules to the core rules, so you won’t have to go find them in a bunch of different places. As we’ve seen before, you can’t just include them in your list, you have to take a character who has them included and they are set up with that model.

Grunts keyword 2Grunts act a little different than normal characters, mainly in the way they activate, meaning when the parent character activates, then they get to do so as well. However, if their boss goes down, then so do they. However, they can still activate if the parent character is dazed.

Grunts keyword 3They have some special rules, but cannot be generally chosen to have the effects of cards put on them.

Download the New Rules Here!

Which of the new Marvel Crisis Protocol changes and models are you most excited about? 

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