MiniWarGaming’s Future & They Still Need Your Help

miniwargaming dave mattMiniWarGaming issued a special message to fans and viewers yesterday explaining where they are going from here…

MiniWarGaming was crystal clear earlier this month, essentially asking for help and suggestions in the face of troubling financial times. The end result was hobbyists from across the community supporting them by becoming a Vault member, buying merchandise from their store, and offering suggestions for future content.

With the latest video, Matt from MWG made a response video, check out what’s ahead for these hobby heroes.

The Future Looks Bright for MWG

In this video, Matthew from MWG made a public response to all the support across the community. Your support came in the form of:

  • Hundreds of members joining their monthly Vault subscription
  • Many of the products in their store sold out
  • and tons of hobby content suggestions in the future

After the crew at MiniWarGaming had time to process everything that happened, they made this video essentially stating what would be ahead for the future. In short, they are feeling good about the circumstances once again and mentioned:

  • Higher-qual   ity Battle Reports and Narrative Campaigns coming.
  • All-new “stuff” for the YouTube channel and a huge wave of support coming to Vault members.

On top of your support, they are working to correct all the loose-ends from their standpoint. If you are currently a Vault member, they are going back to the older videos and deleting a wealth (somewhere in the thousands) of them to free up space, ultimately driving the Vimeo bill down (which was part of the main problem). They aren’t going away indefinitely, but they will have to be accessed in a different way if you want to watch older stuff from years ago.

All in all, MWG wants to extend a huge THANK YOU to everyone who gave good insight and suggestions on what they wanted to see from their channel as well as everyone who became a Vault member.

It’s also not too late to become a MiniWarGaming Vault Member, and get ready for all the new content that’s coming soon!

With all of this good news out, what are you most excited to see come from MiniWarGaming next?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter (with discount coupon codes) each morning as well!