More Magaera & Styrix Knights Rules for Adeptus Titanicus!

titanicus-crucibleWith the Magaera and Styrix Knights coming to Adeptus Titanicus, GW revealed more preview rules for them!

While not as massive as the God-like titans these Mechanicum Questor Knights are powerhouses in their own right. Some people have even been forgoing the bigger titans and running entire armies of smaller Knights. While we don’t suggest that (you’re playing AT, after all…) these new Questor Knights make a great addition to your forces.

Warhammer Community, highlighted a whole host of fun Adeptus Titanicus rules for the Magaera and Styrix Knights. Turns out, they work well in tandem, with the Styrix knocking down the void shields and then the Magaera blasting the unshielded titans to pieces. They are available to order now from Forge World, Let’s take a close look so you can see if you want to pick them up!

Magaera and Styrix Knights

AT KnightsThese Questoris Knights can really do some damage, even to the biggest titans out there! If you are a fan of Adeptus Titanicus, check out what else is happening with the game.

Styrix Knight

Styrix KnightKnights Styrix are armed for taking down Titan shields with the searing thermal rays of their volkite chieoroviles.

Styrix RulesThese have the Voidbreaker (1) trait. Meaning that enemy Titans must take an additional shield save every time this weapon hits. A banner of four Knights Styrix can quickly strip even a mighty Warlord of its void shields. making it easy prey for the heavier weapons in your battlegroup.

While their shooting attacks can be devastating, their close combat can be even stronger!

Hekaton siege claws roll 2 dice with a Strength of 6 and have the Rending trait. Giving them a reasonable chance of causing Direct Hits – or worse – to smaller god-machines. Even Warlords are at risk of taking damage.

For a smaller Knight, these really pack a punch. They won’t be able to take out everything by themselves, but with the ability to knock down shields, they are perfect to start your shooting with.

Magaera Knight

Magaera KnightThese have the perfect follow up damage to the Styrix Knights. With a blast, rending, and high strength they have the ability to cause AOE damage to even the biggest Knights.

Lighting Cannon rulesCarapace-mounted phased plasma-fusils add an extra two Strength 4 hits to an enemy unit within 3″. While most Titans will laugh this off. It adds some bite against the enemy Knights who will likely be sent to intercept your Knights Magaera.

They also use the same Hekaton Seige claws as the Styrix, making them pretty good in combat. The combo of these on the table could really cause some issues for your enemies!

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Rules for Both

Knight Styix Rules 2To be able to make it to close range, they have two rules that will help them. First, they can recover structure points (they both have it but this is the wording for the Styrix) on a 6+ but still not bad. Next, they have Flare Shields.

Iconic Flare ShieldNothing wrong with reducing incoming damage! With that and the regaining of structure points, they have a good chance of making it into range!

As with all Knights, they’re fast – perfect for outflanking slower-moving enemy Titans. Even better, both of the kits come with command terminals for the Knights, so you’ll be ready to unleash them as soon as you’ve built them.

Will you be picking these up for your army? Do you run any smaller Knights or go only for the big guys?

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