NECRON SPOILERS – Wargear Rules Pictures

By Rob Baer | January 28th, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

Necron Wallpaper

The evil metal robots are out of the bag. Here’s the highlights;

Via Forge the Narrative 


  • Tesla for the most part stayed the same, however you can not get the ‘bonus’ shots for firing it as snap fire.
  • Invasion beams for Night Scythes remain unchanged, and the points for the scythes only went up a little.
  • Mind Shackle Scarabs are now just a ‘fear’ check on 3d6 (leadership)
  • Quantum Shielding is Armor Value 11 all around (correction)!
  • Whip coils are +3 Initiative
  • Phylactrey just confers ‘It Will Not Die’ to both Lord or Lord and Chariots

Again at the onset, the book still looks strong with obvious nerfs to certain ‘overpowered’ units and wargear.

Seems like their is still a lot of combos to be had with these guys, especially when paired with the Shield of Baal Exterminatus Mephrit Dynasty wargear!

Checkout the full images and get a recap of the earlier rules leaks in the…