Neo-Gothic Heavy Infantry Kickstarter is Live!

Neo gothic KS featureIf you love crazy human heroes, the Neo-Gothic Heavy Infantry Kickstarter is totally worth taking a look at!

This new project is kicking off very soon and is filled with some wild-looking minis. They are all going to be white metal minis, with a little bit of a throwback vibe. The metal minis from the ’80s are still going strong today, so maybe in 30 years, these will still be in your collection.

All the minis are scaled perfectly for a 28mm-32mm game, so they could work perfectly for 40k or a ton of other games as well. The style of the minis is really sweet and will spice up your army with some really unique characters.

Neo-Gothic Heavy Infantry Kickstarter is Live!

neo gothic infantry 3I am producing a range of heroic scale, sci-fi wargaming miniatures.  The miniatures are Neo-gothic in style, the design of their armor, in particular, being heavily influenced by fifteenth Century European armor. The Psi-korps operative and assault infantry are multi-part models, all others are a single piece.

neo gothic infantry 4The minis have a really cool feel and will easily set your characters and units apart. If you love the old style of metal minis with a ton of character, then this is a great project to back.

neo gothic infantryThe Storm Troopers do have different weapon options, all designed to simply clip over the barrels of their existing assault rifles. Each 5 man squad comes with two microwave cannons and three plasma accelerators, two long and one short, designed to fit over the sergeant’s pistol.

neo gothic infantry 2These could be used in either a fantasy setting or sci-fi pretty easily.

Size Comparison

neo gothic infantry 5As you can see they are sized perfectly for 28mm, which lets them be used in a ton of game systems.

That does it for this one, just a cool project for all the metal lovers out there!

Go Support the Kickstarter Here!