New 9th Edition Drukhari & Treebeard: FIRST LOOK

The new 9th edition Drukhari and some specialist releases are here – check out the full lineup and details for this week’s pre-orders.

More new releases are pre-orderable from Games Workshop, including the new 9th edition Drukhari and some specialist releases. Check out what’s available to preorder right now!

But keep in mind these releases will all be allocated somewhat at retailers in North America.

Piety & Pain Battle Box

Piety and pain box


Piety and pain dark eldar


lelith sprue


Piety and pain sister

palatine sprue

Drukhari 9th Edition 40k Codex HB

codex drukhari

If you want to check out all the new Dark Eldar rules teasers we have seen already, we got you covered in this article here.

Drukhari Combat Patrol

drukhari combat patrol


Drukhari Datacards

drukhari datacards


Drukhari Dice

drukhari dice


Act 1: Book Of Rust – War Zone Charadon

war zone charadonWar Zone Charadon provides a brand new narrative option for anyone who is more interesting in the fluff side of 40k. There are also several pages of new rules for the featured factions so it may be worth checking out for that.

Plague Purge Mission Pack

crusade plague purge


direchasm banner

Seraphon Warband

seraphon warband


seraphon warband sprue 1


seraphon warband sprue 2

BLood Bowl banner

Halfling Pitch

Halfling pitch

Halfling Team Cards

halfling team card pack

Halfling Dice

halfling bloodbowl dice


lotr banner




treebeard detail


merry and pipin

Treebeard sprue 1


Treebeard sprue 2

With this wave of pre-orders, is there anything you will be getting? Which release is your favorite? 

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!