New Aeronautica Imperialis: Pre-Order Pricing & Details

warhammer-pre-ordersThe latest pre-order lineup of Warhammer 40k releases are here including these new Aeronautica Imperialis products!

We saw the new starter box previewed a while ago, but it’s finally ready for pre-order. Check out this week’s new offerings!

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Aeronautica Imperialis: Wrath of Angels $90

Get Yours For Less From Dicehead Games

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The set includes the following Citadel multipart plastic miniatures, each supplied with an Aeronautica Imperialis base:

– 3x Adeptus Astartes Xiphon Interceptors
– 2x Adeptus Astartes Storm Eagles
– 3x Asuryani Nightwings
– 3x Asuryani Phoenix Bombers

The set also includes a 38-page rulebook featuring the following information:

– The full Aeronautica Imperialis game rules, including how to build your force using Squadron Lists, perform Ace Manoeuvres, field different classes of aircraft, and unleash ground defences. Learn how to manoeuvre your aircraft, adjust their altitude, and change speed while avoiding the risks of stalling and breaking up. There are even rules for special manoeuvres including landing, taxiing, and taking off.
– The Dogfight scenario, as well as optional rules for fighting at night or in bad weather conditions
– Squadron Lists, providing details of all of the aircraft in the box as well as their weapon options and special rules
– A reference page showing the 8 different manoeuvres aircraft can take, as well as a 2-page quick-reference guide containing the key game rules

And more…

– 1x 4-page Wrath of Angels Starter Scenarios Booklet (including 3 additional scenarios to play)
– 1x double-sided Area of Engagement game mat (depicting two aerial war zones)
– 1x double-sided card token sheet (70 tokens to help you keep track of all the action)
– 8x Six-sided dice (white with black pips)
– 1x Transfer sheet (for the Adeptus Astartes and Asuryani aircraft included in the set)
– 2x Quick-reference cards (containing the key game rules)

Asuryani Nightwing Squadron $42

Get Yours For Less From Dicehead Games

Asuryani Nightwing Squadron


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The set includes:

– 6 plastic Asuryani Nightwing miniatures
– 6 twin bright lances, 6 twin scatter lasers, 6 twin missile launchers, and 6 twin starcannons
– 6 Aeronautica Imperialis bases (each of which designates the model’s front, rear and side arcs, speed, and altitude dials, as well as a clear stand to connect the aircraft to the base)
– 1 Asuryani Squadron transfer sheet

Asuryani Phoenix Bomber Squadron $42

Get Yours For Less From Dicehead Games


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The set includes:

– 3 multipart plastic Asuryani Phoenix Bombers miniatures
– 3 twin bright lances, 3 twin starcannons, 3 twin pulse lasers, 3 standard missile arrays, and 3 missile arrays to represent either nightfire plasma or nightfire krak missiles.
– 3 Aeronautica Imperialis bases (Each base designates the model’s front, rear and side arcs as well as speed and altitude dials. Each base also includes a clear stand to connect the aircraft to the base.)
– 1 Asuryani Squadron transfer sheet

Adeptus Astartes Xiphon Interceptor Squadron $42

Get Yours For Less From Dicehead Games


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The set includes:

– 6 multipart plastic Adeptus Astartes Xiphon Interceptor miniatures
– 6 Aeronautica Imperialis bases (Each base designates the model’s front, rear and side arcs as well as speed and altitude dials. Each base also includes a clear stand to connect the aircraft to the base.)
– 1 Space Marine Squadron transfer sheet

Adeptus Astartes Storm Eagle Squadron $42

Get Yours For Less From Dicehead Games


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The set includes:

– 2 multipart plastic Adeptus Astartes Storm Eagle miniatures
– 2 Aeronautica Imperialis bases (each base designates the model’s front, rear and side arcs as well as speed and altitude dials. Each base also includes a clear stand with which to connect the aircraft to the base.)
– 1 Space Marine Squadron transfer sheet

Aeronautica Imperialis Asuryani and Adeptus Astartes Aircraft Cards $35

Get Yours For Less From Dicehead Games


Aeronautica Imperialis Asuryani and Adeptus Astartes Dice Sets $18

Get Yours For Less From Dicehead Games

Aeronautica Imperialis: Outer Reaches Area of Engagement $42

Get Yours For Less From Dicehead Games

The double-sided game board comes in two pieces and features artwork depicting the following aerial war zones:

– Side 1: an Imperial Outpost depicts a remote colony on one of the countless worlds claimed by the Imperium, including the research facilities, settlements, and refuelling stations established on these distant planets.

– Side 2: a Lava World shows that no planet is inhospitable enough for the Imperium. This map depicts an Imperial settlement surrounded by burning lava – and these dangerous lands make air combat a crucial component of fighting for control of these planets.

Aeronautica Imperialis: Imperial Navy & Ork Air Waaagh! Ground Assets $40

Get Yours For Less From Dicehead Games

This set contains the following plastic terrain pieces:

– 2x Manticore Missile Battery
– 4x Hydra Flak Battery
– 2x Imperial Bunker (ground target)
– 4x Flak Platform
– 2x ‘Eavy Flak Kannon
– 2x Ork Bunker (ground target)
– 2x Landing Zone Marker
– 12x Numerical Marker

You will need a copy of the Rynn’s World Air War Campaign Book to fully utilise this set.

Are you excited about the latest Aeronautica releases this week?

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