You have to see this new artwork and warscrolls in the Sigmar hardcover. Introducing the Wood Elves as the Sylvaneth.
via Apple iTunes & BoLS Lounge
Warhammer Age of Sigmar $74
A comprehensive guide to the Age of Sigmar, this is a must-have purchase for any and all fans of Warhammer! A full-colour, 264 page hardback book with stunning artwork throughout, it contains backgrounds and stories behind each of the Warhammer Age of Sigmar realms and factions and a beautiful miniatures showcase detailing the incredible new range of models in their full glory!
As well as this, the book contains the first part of the ongoing narrative: The Realmgate Wars. Scenarios, rules and backgrounds for setting your games within the realms, as the Stormcast Eternals and the forces of Chaos fight bitterly over control of the realmgates! Choose your faction and dive into the world of Warhammer Age of Sigmar now!
Lightning Stikes!
Here come the Dryads (and Treelords)
And the Chaos Warriors reply in kind.
~ Very pretty stuff as we have come to expect from Games Workshop.
Episode 8 – How to Play Age of Sigmar Competitively