New AoS Seraphon Saurus Astrolith Bearers Revealed By GW!

Saurus Astrolith Bearers featureThe new Seraphon Saurus Astrolith Bearers are warriors marked by destiny who can channel celestial powers- check it out!

At the LVO preview, we saw a ton of new Seraphon models, but there is more on the way for the army! The normal Saurus Warriors are getting a rework, but seeing more models and a little insight into their rules is always fun.

If you want to see everything from the LVO preview for Seraphon, check that out here. For now, though, let’s check out the new model!

New AoS Seraphon Saurus Astrolith Bearers Revealed By GW!

The new model comes from this Warhammer Community post.

Saurus Astrolith Bearers

The Saurus Astrolith Bearer is a warrior marked by destiny, tasked with hoisting a powerful serpentine standard. More than merely an inspiring icon, this arcane device is inscribed with geometric symbols and powered by the orb of purest celestite that floats at its centre.

The standard is pretty awesome looking and will really make a striking feature on the battlefield! Plus, the rules for it are pretty awesome (we’ll check them out below).

Saurus Astrolith Bearers 2

Astrolith Bearers hold these emblem-engines aloft to channel energy from the heavens, invigorating nearby Seraphon with a flood of celestial magic.

Sometimes long-dormant glyphs on these devices will lock into new configurations, crackling with resurgent energy. Even the mighty Slann Starmasters don’t understand why – these wise elders simply take it as a sign that the Old Ones still exert their all-knowing influence on the Mortal Realms.

This should be a fun painting challenge, and we’re sure if you’re grabbing the new Starmaster, you might as well get this to buff up his spells.

Celestial Conduit Rules

Saurus Astrolith Bearers 3

Seraphon spellslingers benefit significantly from these Celestial Conduits. Their reality-warping power alters the geomantic landscape within 12″, giving a boost to the casting rolls of all nearby SERAPHON WIZARDS and extending the range of their spells.

Other lizards can simply bask in the astrolith’s Revivifying Energies, which provide a ward of 6+ to any friendly SERAPHON wholly within 12″. Coruscating cosmic energy really is the best medicine!

This is actually really strong. Not only will you add 1 to all the casting rolls, but you will also add 6″ to the range! So, if you have these next to your biggest spellcasters, they will really be able to wreak havoc, and stay further out of range of the enemy!

Then, on top of that, you will give all units within 12″ a 6+ ward save, which isn’t the craziest thing ever, but can come up clutch!

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

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