New AoS Thondia Supplement & Awlrach the Drowner

thodian-strongpoint-new-aos-adeticon-previewGW revealed the Season of War: Thondia supplement along with some new models including the Thondian Strongpoint Terrian and Awlrach the Drowner at their Adpeticon Preview!

Another big online GW Preview for all things Warhammer is here! Catch all the latest reveals from  Warhammer TV  and Warhammer Community along with our commentary! For those hoping for a new team, well, you’re in luck! Plus, these could be used for some amazing conversions.

GW AdeptiCon Preview

AdeptiCon Preview 3

We’ve also got tonnes of hobby right here on – along with a look at some of the new rules from Arena of Shades and interviews with some of the designers of the new Aeldari kits, we’ll have full coverage of all of the big reveals from this year’s AdeptiCon. 

AdeptiCon Preview 2New AoS Thondia Supplement & Awlrach the Drowner

The Realm of Beasts is coming alive with this new terrain box set that features model kits both new and old!

Krondspine Incarnate of Ghur

Plus this box has the new Krondspine Incarnate of Ghur that is supposedly a new type of unit altogether!

Krondspine Incarnate of Ghur

What in the Mortal Realms is that thing? It’s a Krondspine Incarnate of Ghur! This savage apparition is a manifestation of pure amber magic, created in the wake of Alarielle’s Rite of Life. It’s a new type of unit that’s part spell, part monster, and all danger.

Thodian Strongpoint box

You can get this model and a ton of terrain in the new Thondian Strongpoint box set that looks to have everything you need for the new Season of War Thonida supplement!

Alongside this imposing new miniature, the kit includes loads of scenery, including the previously available Domicile Shell and Domicile Shell with Winch, which represent the foundation of a new settlement following the Dawnbringer Crusades.

There’s also a Guardian Idol, which will hopefully keep the Kruleboyz away.

Thondian Strongpoint Terrian

There’s new terrain to be found within, too. The Megadroth Remains show just how big the beasties in Ghur can grow – large enough for whole units to hide behind their skeletons in battle – and a Cleansing Aqualith is ideal for anyone who has waterfall envy after seeing the Shrine Luminor.

Cleansing Aqualith terrain

If you’ve been looking for a box of AoS Terrain the Thondian Strongpoint may be perfect to both fill out your table and to play games with the new supplement…

Season of War: Thondia supplement

thondia Season or war


And that’s still not all! Alongside the scenery and the incredible Krondspine Incarnate of Ghur, the first Season of War book is arriving for Warhammer Age of Sigmar. It expands the ongoing narrative of the Mortal Realms, and explores the aftermath of the battle at Amberstone Watch, the siege of Excelsis, the Dawnbringer Crusades, and the alpha-continent of Thondia. 

Alongside loads of background and lore, as well as rules for the Incarnate, this book includes new battlepacks for all kinds of games, including two for narrative play – one of them focused on Path to Glory. 

Looks like seasons and new terrain elements are coming to Age of Sigmar, but after they were all just removed from the Warhammer 40k side of GW’s webstore it is hard to say how long these releases will even be available.

Vote with your hobby dollars and get them while you can!

Nighthaunts Awlrach the Drowner

Awlrach the Drowner

In life, Awlrach the Drowner was a wicked ferryman who killed those he was supposed to be transporting (we’re sure you can guess his preferred method from his name). Nagash liked his style, so in death he is tasked with ferrying the spirits of the deceased to wherever the Lord of Death needs them.

There is no doubting his style, and his timing right on the heels of the new Arena of Shades looks to give the Nighthaunts faction the first new units since 2018!

Awlrach the Drowner


He has special rules to help your army get wherever it needs to be on the tabletop, offering his allies passage through the underworlds. When he’s not busy rowing, the Drowner is pretty handy in a fight with his oar – and we recommend staying away from the pointy end of his boat!

Awlrach the Drowner

Awlrach the Drowner looks pretty neat for sure, and his rumored abilities can potentially help the Nighthaunts move even FASTER than before.

night haunt daughters of khaine battletome

Don’t forget between the new Arena of Shades box, and their upcoming Battletome for AoS 3.0, this isn’t the last we have heard of the Nighthaunts!

If you missed the lastest few previews from GW in 2021, you can get all caught up on those from our coverage below:

Click Here For All the GW Previews & Adepticon 2022 Coverage

Are you excited about the new Season of War: Thondia supplement, Thondian Strongpoint Terrian and Awlrach the Drowner?

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