New Blood Angels – US Prices & Release Info CONFIRMED

By Rob Baer | September 8th, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors


Come see the confirmed US pricing for the new Blood Angel releases, and the BONUS that comes in a lot of the new Blood Angels Kits

The Blood Angels are coming! Here’s the latest from Industry Insiders reporting in to Spikey Bits early this morning:

Each of the Blood Angel Squad Kits has the Upgrade sprue in it from last October ( that sold for $18) for only $5 above retail in most cases.



Black Crusade: Angels Blade (Blood Angel Supplement) $50
“A 136 page Warhammer 40.000 campaign supplement and update to the Codex: Blood Angels, detailing a Chaos Space Marine invasion of the Diamor System at the beginning of Abaddon’s 13th Black Crusade, from the Blood Angels perspective. This book contains lots of new rules to be used alongside the Blood Angels Codex. It contains 9 new formations and 2 powerful new Detachments, Death Company Relics, Death Company Tactical Objectives, revised Wargear of Baal section, 3 new Altar of War missions, new datasheets for the Blood Angel Terminator Captain, Death Company Chaplain and updated datasheets of the Assault Squad and Devastator Squad.”
Blood Angels: Death Company Strike Force $135
Blood Angels: Archangels Orbital Intervention Force $135
Blood Angels: Chapter Ancients $105
Blood Angel Assault Squad $45
Blood Angel Vanguard Veteran Squad $45
Blood Angel Sternguard Veteran Squad $55
Blood Angel Company Command $45
Angels Blade Limited Edition $185
Beast Arises 10 $17.50
The Red Path $24

Noble brothers of the IX, the Sons of Sanguinius may be the first line of defense against the 13th Black Crusade. Come see the latest on New Blood Angels!

Blood_angels_wp_baal_by_voldreth hor

What GW Has Said:

Standing against this ambition are the Blood Angels, leading an alliance of Adeptus Mechanicus and Imperial Knights that will fight to the last to ensure that the worshippers of Chaos know defeat. The war that follows will be nothing short of apocalyptic.


Part one you say? What do you think THAT means?

Black Crusade: Angels’ Blade (supplement) perhaps?


Chaos  VS. Blood Angels, The Long War in more ways that one…