New Chaos Daemons Be’lakor Army & Points 40k Codex Rules

chaos daemons codex new 9th edition rules how to playHere are all the new Chaos Daemons Be’lakor Army of Renown and Points rules for their 9th Edition Warhammer 40k codex.

If you play Chaos Daemons, these rules are a great way to decide what to build your new army around from the upcoming codex book!

Let’s start by looking at the new codex for the Chaos Daemons and then dive into how to play all the new codex rules for Warhammer 40k.

Codex: Chaos Daemons Retail Price: $55

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Codex Chaos Daemons

These unique faction rules are collected from all the following reviews on YouTube, and Warhammer Community alike, so be sure to watch your favorite presenters talk about their take on the book at the links below:

Here’s the most up-to-date how-to-play review of the new Chaos Daemons rules- click on the gallery above to see all the new 9th Edition rules from the Chaos Daemons codex!

New Chaos Daemons Be’lakor Army of Renown & Points 40k Codex Rules

disciples of be'lakor

Many of these restrictions are similar to before, but one unique change about this Army of Renown is it now has its faction keyword! This makes it easy to add in a Chaos Knight Super Heavy!

However, the most notable downside is losing access to the Chaos Daemons Secondaries, which might not be that big of a deal.

Be'lakor stratagems

Pretty much all of these are the same or very similar. The old stuff that was good is still good, though!

New Daemons 40k Codex Be’lakor Rules

Be'lakor datasheet

With this in mind, you can tell they wrote his previous datasheet, as nothing changed too much. However, he should be really tough now with a 4+/4+ unmodifiable save and -1 damage from shooting.

He still has tons of great special rules, however, nothing he has works on vehicles, which is just interesting. With his unmodifiable save, a minus to hit, never re-rolling, Toughness 7, 20 Wounds, and -1 Damage against ranged attacks, he may be hard to take down with shooting.

It also looks like you still won’t be able to take other Daemon Princes with him, but that makes sense.

He also knows the following Psychic Discipline:

Undivided Psychic powers

This discipline is especially nice because if Be’lakor is in your list, all Psykers gain access to these options! Shrouded Step is most likely the best option here. Redeploy options ALWAYS strong, especially in mixed Daemon lists where the range is often a lynchpin, making that extra mobility extremely valuable.

New Chaos Daemons Wargear & Points 40k Codex Rules

Chaos Daemons Points 1

The most significant change by far for Tzeentch is the Flamers. They got buffs on their stats and are only 25 pts per model! These are going to be staples, more than likely, in most lists that can run them. Similarly, the Exalted Flamer that buffs nearby Flamers will likely also see a ton of play.

Chaos Daemons Points 2

Sadly the staple Nurglings in splash lists got hit a little bit here. They are a bit cheaper but losing ObSec hurts; also, losing the invulnerable save (as with all Daemons) might hurt them.

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Chaos Daemons Points 4

Fiends got some changes, gaining some damage and durability but losing an ability… The good news is they went down in points, so they might just be good enough to run!

Chaos Daemons Points 5

Bloodletters went up in points and lost some flexibility since they are fielded in groups of 10 now; a little bit sad, but they are still the melee glass cannons that players now and love (it’s just harder to use them as a way to optimize list points now).

Chaos Daemons Points 3

Be’lakor has gone up in points a bit, but he did get a buff to his saves against ranged attacks so it might be okay. With his offense power being the same, he will function almost identically to how he used to, at a slightly higher point cost and with a little more survivability.

Here’s all the latest on all the new Chaos Daemons rules updates and points changes for Warhammer 40k.

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