New Chaos & Slaanesh Gets the Shaft Again?

By Bonne Chance | December 14th, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

sister of slaanesh cultist

Whats going on with the lack of Slaaneshi love from Games Workshop? Come see the lastest diss on the prince(ss) of pleasure this week.

So this week we got the new Varanguard models, hot on the heels of super combiner Archaon, and guess what was mostly missing in both, SLAANESH!

First Archaon had the nerve to ride into battle without a head made from a dead Slaaneshi herald, or perhaps Slaanesh had the nerve to go missing and not send a herald to battle him… semantics.

Then Archaon’s super knights of doom ride onto the scene, and have all sorts of cool new bitz and weapons but not ONE devoted to Slaanesh.



Not one weapon dedicated to Slaanesh!!! From the look of the sprues even, these were made in 2015 even!  So by then it looks like Games Workshop knew it wasn’t making any more Slaanesh models, (if you believe the rumors of all that).

Is GW just letting Slaanehsi die a slow death into nothingness? Surely they can’t retcon 30+ years of history, so does it make more sense to just let the God of pleasure just slowly fade away to nothing?

What’s really happening to Slaanesh, and why do we seem to care so much?