Cursed City Villain Revealed: Torgillius the Chamberlain

cursed-city-Torgillius-the-ChamberlainWe’ve already seen some of the heroes and villains, but today the scale shifts as villain Torgillius the Chamberlain joins the adventure.

Today on Warhammer Community they previewed a new Necromancer mini, Torgillius, a new villain for the game. With all the previews the box set could be coming out sooner than we expected. From the looks of it, there’s a pretty wide variety so far in the box!

Let’s first look at what we know about the game then get onto the new mini!

Warhammer Quest: Cursed City

Looks like Battlefleet Gothic isn’t happening… yet, but a new Warhammer Quest is!

Speaking of vampires, an epic new Warhammer Quest game brings even more bloodsuckers to the Mortal Realms. If you and your friends have already defeated the Silver Tower and the Blackstone Fortress, you’ll find an exciting challenge ahead as you embark on the most dangerous quest yet, into the cursed city of Ulfenkarn.

warhammer quest blood moonSome of the art style used in this video is near identical to the old AoS Everchosen Battletome, which is fine because it fits perfectly with the blood theme.

warhammer quest gangHere we see the heroes gather, there seems to be 4 of them. We can assume they are a dwarf, a human witch hunter, an elven archer, and a larger brute, warrior-like character.

cursed city


warhammer quest heroThis Witch Hunter character offers a return to good old-fashioned Witch Huntin’. Except now this character brings a custom rifle with an underslung stake launcher. Why get close to beasties when you can stake ’em from far away? Not to mention the giant executioner’s blade on his back and hammer in hand for anything that wanders too close.

warhammer quest villianThe final model is a villain the heroes must face, which we can presume is one of the lackeys of the main villain referred to as the “Wolf”, who is likely a vampire lord. Judging by the iconography and such, this quest looks like something right out of Vlad the Impalers playbook, that is if he had access to necromancers to raise all the people they kill for food.

Evil Mobs: Cursed City Models

cursed city skeleton 1Hoping to receive the ‘gift’ of the Soulblight curse, Oleksander Halgrim joined the traitorous purge of Ulfenkarn’s nobility. This did not go down well with his fellow officers, who bound him hand and foot and threw him in a sewer pit to be eaten by Corpse Rats. His skeleton was then raised as a Deathrattle officer to lead the Ulfenwatch, although he is now little more than a rotting automaton.

Death by rats, must not have been fun, but it’s okay, he’s just an animated skeleton now, he doesn’t worry about such foolish things like living.

cursed city skeletons 2To control a city the size of Ulfenkarn, an army is required. With no time to place ads in the local newspaper, Gorslav the Gravekeeper emptied the corpse-gardens and crypt-tunnels. Soon an army of fleshless soldiers were dispensing brutal justice on the streets from their stronghold, the Vharngate.

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While an individual skeleton warrior shouldn’t cause your party much trouble, they will be inspired to fight even harder by their banner bearer, so make sure that you try to take him out first.

Qulathis the Exile: Kurnothi Archer

New Cursed City MiniIn the realm of Ghyran, there is a strange annex called the Enga’la Weald, once known only to the Sylvaneth. Then the Soulblight came. Qulathis and her kin fought a savage guerrilla war against the vampire invaders, but they could not match the brute strength and the resilience of their undead foes.

Her clan lost hope and withdrew, seeking to restart their lives elsewhere. Qulathis, however, refused to give up and vowed to bring true death to the vampires, even though her elders expressly forbade it. With her blade and her bow, she made her way to Ulfenkarn to seek her revenge.

Qulathis the Exile will be one of the heroes in the upcoming game and honestly, we love the mini! Her fate is intrinsically tied with Ulfenkarn because she can never return to her old clan. Hopefully, her magic arrows will be enough to turn the tides, and maybe one day she can return as a hero. They don’t give much in the way of rules for her other than that she is great at killing the undead.

Torgillius the Chamberlain

Torgillus modelThe chamberlain’s knowledge of grave-sand means that his master can now deflect wounds that would otherwise destroy him, making Torgillius one of the most trusted men in the Cursed City. He has also developed the ability to project his will into the diseased vermin in the city, allowing him to spy upon the populace.

Speaking of the undead, the newest model is another force allied with them. His mini has a bunch going on, and really gives a sense of what this guy is capable of. He seems to be someone who likes to be prepared and likely won’t allow the heroes to sneak upon him. Even if they do one of his three animal companions is sure to alert him. His model is super unique and is sure to provide a unique challenge with all the different textures and styles that you could use. There isn’t anything about rules yet other than a few hints…

Either way, it’s a sweet mini! 

Do you like the look of the new mini? Are you excited about the game? 

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