New Dark Angels Space Marines & Titans SPOTTED

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Heresy is alive and well, as Forge World just previewed Book 9, new Dark Angel Space Marines, and Knight Titans for Horus Heresy!

There’s about to be some new players on 30k battlefields as Games Workshop unveils even more new units for the Horus Heresy. Let’s take a look at what is popping at Warhammer Fest UK 2019, with a look back at the previews for Book 9 from the Heresy Weekender:

Book Nine Teased at Weekender

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Thramas crusades are going to be delved into with campaign systems revolving around key missions.

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With every book like this that drops, there’s one or two Legions that are completely covered. The Dark Angels are going to be getting the spotlight in book nine. Like we are seeing with Malevolence, book nine will also have a host of special characters for the Legion.

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Looking at the Traitor’s side of things, Dark Mechanicum is going to be getting their full army list as well as more details and coverage on the Nightlords. There haven’t been any specifics on anything and no dates were mentioned.

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With a glimpse into the future, we know that Horus Heresy isn’t going to be slowing down. They’re already planning the next book and have even taken the liberty of playtesting potential rules more thoroughly to keep the game fair.

Horus Heresy Book 9: Crusade REVEALED

Looks like it’s happening! Tons more info on new units for book 9 (officially named Crusade now) Check out the previews from the latest seminar at Warhammer Fest 2019.

Images Courtesy of Hobby Hero Garro


Dark Angels are about to get some love with a bunch of new releases for Heresy in Book 9. It also looks like GW is also laying out the framework for making your own ancient relics and it will be available to a range of factions.


This is great news for sure there has been a lot of interest in Dark Mechanicum over the past few years and Games Workshop has been paying attention. Book 9 will see not only the full rules and fluff for this army but a slew of new models we would hope, as well. Also, it has been revealed that there will be new background on the Titan Legions and Knight Houses of the Thramas Crusade…


Book 9 looks like it is going to bring a lot the tabletop for Horus Heresy. But, that is not all that they have up today for Horus Heresy Let’s take a look at some sweet new minis what we’re previewed as well from Warhammer Community!











We told you there was more on the way for The Horus Heresy! Book 9 of the renowned campaign series draws closer, and with it, some incredible new Dark Angels models that allow you to show off the baroque Calibanite stylings of these stern and knightly warriors on the tabletop.












In Book 9, the Dark Angels will be battling against the Night Lords and their Dark Mechanicum allies. Fittingly, we’ve seen some awesome new Mechanicum Knights based on the Armiger chassis and featuring all manner of strange weapons…

The new Acastus class model was also spotted this weekend as well from sablednah

Knight Acastus Asterius, and new Armiger upgrades

Knight Acastus Asterius (think Porphyrion)

That’s right folks you are going to see a lot more “Magera-style” Armiger class Knights in your game of 30k. This weekend has been an amazing non-stop rollercoaster of new 30k reveals.

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