New Deadzone Plague Bursters & Murderbirds Pre-Order!

By Travis Pasch | September 10th, 2022 | Categories: Mantic, Tabletop Gaming Products, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Plague Bursters 2The new Deadzone Plague Bursters and Murderbirds just hit pre-order, and they are some wild models- check out what you can score!

It hasn’t been that long since we saw the new 2-player set drop and they are not stopping with the new releases. This time there are two sets, and even if you don’t play the game, some of the models are cool enough that they would make for great alternatives, especially for the price.

These start shipping on September 19th, so really not far off now! Let’s check out the minis.

Deadzone Plague Bursters: $35

Plague Bursters 2If you want to continue bolstering your forces, these might be perfect! Let’s hear what they have to say about the new set:

Plague Bursters

Those lucky, or unlucky, enough to survive an encounter with a Plague Lord, may become one of the Stage 2 infected known as a Burster. Once they are within range of a viable host, these bloated beings release streams of contagious organic matter, infecting an apparently unlimited number of victims. Even at a distance Bursters pose a threat – enemy fire has often been reported to cause Stage 2b’s to explode, sending out great showers of contagious gore and infecting any organism unfortunate enough to be in proximity.

  • 2x Resin Plague Bursters
  • 2x 40mm Round MDF Bases

Plague Murderbirds: $20

Plague Murderbirds

Known by a variety of names, depending on the nature of local fauna, flocks of infected flying creatures are frequently reported as attacking the uninfected. Larger Murderbirds, believed to be 2nd generation creatures, grow larger and become aggressive pack hunters, while 3rd generation flocks may number hundreds of smaller creatures and act as ‘screens’ for other Plague forms. The co-ordination in these attacks suggests a directing intelligence, the existence of a controller or ‘master’. Whether this master is a 1st Generation Plague Lord or some other, as yet unidentified variant is as yet unconfirmed.

Plague Murderbirds 2

  • 2x Resin Murder Birds
  • 2x 40mm Round MDF Bases
  • 2x Flying Bases

Click Here to Get Your New Minis!