New Eldar Relics & Psychic Powers Revealed

By Juan Lopez | October 21st, 2017 | Categories: Eldar, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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With the new Codex: Craftworlds set to release next week, we are getting a closer look as to what Relics and Rune Disciplines are available!

Seen in a review by WintersSEO, the Relics and Psychic Power in the new Codex: Craftworlds provide a great deal of options and power to the Craftworld factions. There are 13 Relics (Remnants of Glory) that are available to your chosen bearer. Rune Disciplines are separated into Runes of Battle and Runes of Fate for your models with the <Psyker> keyword. Let’s dive in and see what they are!

Note: Apologies in advance for any misspelling of Eldar names or lack of.

  • Phoenix Gem: The first time the model is slain, roll a D6 for each unit, friend or foe, within 3″ of the bearer. On a roll of 2+, that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. If at least 1 mortal wound is inflicted as a result of this, then the bearer is not slain but remains in play with a single wound remaining. If no mortal wounds are inflicted, the bearer is slain.
  • Faolchu’s Wing: Relic allows you to pick an <Infantry> model and give it a Move characteristic of 12″ and the <Fly> keyword.
  • Spirit Stones of Anath’Lan: For a Biel-Tan <Psyker> model. You can re-roll any failed Psychic test roll for the bearer. If you fail the 2nd attempt, you cannot make any further attempts in that Phase.
  • Shiftshroud of Alansehr: For a Alaitoc <Infantry> model. Your opponent must subtract -1 to hit rolls made against the bearer in the Shooting Phase. The bearer can also be placed in ambush more than 9″ away from the enemy and appear in any turn.
  • Psytronome of Iyanden: For an Iyanden <Psyker> model. Once per battle, during the Fight Phase, you can activate the relic. If you do so, for the remainder of the Phase, any friendly <Iyanden> Wraith Construct units within 6″ of the bearer have all their Attack characteristics doubled. However, at the end of the Phase, all affected Wraith Contructs suffer D3 mortal wounds.
  • The Ghost Helm of Alan..*: For Ulthwe <Psyker> model. The bearer adds +1 to their Psychic test when the attempt to manifest Smite.
  • Blazing Star of Vaul: Model with shuriken pistol or catapult only. Add +2 to the number of attacks that weapon can make.
  • The Shimmerplume of “: For Autarch only. Subtract -1 for all hit rolls that target this model.

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There are 6 Runes of Battle and 6 Runes of Fate in the Codex: Craftword. Your Warlocks and Spiritseers pick from the Runes of Battle and your Farseers pick from the Runes of Fate. The Rune of Battle technically have 6 but can be seen as having 12. Again, we will go over those Runes that have not been seen before.

The Runes that are in the Index: Xenos 1 have not changed, save for the wording in Fortune and Enhance. If you you cast Fortune on a unit that has an ability with a similar effect, Fortune now replaces that ability effect instead of not affecting them. The distance in Enhance has been changed from 3″ to 18″.

Runes of Fate

  • Execututioner: Warp Charge value of 7. If manifested, the nearest enemy unit within 18″ of the Psyker suffers D3 mortal wounds. If a model within the targeted unit is slain as result of this, that unit suffers and additional D3 mortal wounds.
  • Will of Asuryan: Warp Charge value of 5. Any friendly <Craftworld> units within 6″ of the Psyker automatically pass morale tests until the next Psychic Phase. In addition, you can add +1 to all Deny the Witch rolls made by the Psyker until the next Psychic Phase.
  • Mindwar: Warp Charge value of 7. If manifested, choose an enemy character model within 18″ of the Psyker. Each player rolls a D6 and add their Leadership. If your opponent rolls higher or ties then nothing happens. If you roll higher, the targeted character suffers a number of wounds equal to the difference between the two rolls.

Runes of Battle

  • Protect/Jinx: Warp Charge value of 7. If manifested, choose either – Protect: choose any Craftworld Infantry or Biker unit with 18″ of the Psyker and add one to their save rolls until the next Psychic Phase. Jinx: Choose an enemy unit within 18″ of the Psyker. Your opponent must subtract -1 to all save rolls made for that unit until the next Psychic Phase.
  • Quicken/Restrain: Warp Charge value of 7. If manifested, choose either –  Quicken: choose any Craftworld Infantry or Biker unit with 18″ of the Psyker and said unit can move as if it were the Movement Phase. You cannot use Quicken on a single model more than once in a Psychic Phase. Restrain: Choose an enemy unit within 18″ of the Psyker. That unit must cut their Movement speed in half until the next Psychic Phase.
  • Empower/Enervate: Warp Charge value of 6. If manifested, choose either – Empower: choose any Craftworld Infantry or Biker unit with 18″ of the Psyker and add +1 to wound rolls in the Fight Phase made by that unit until the next Psychic Phase. Enervate: Choose an enemy unit within 18″ of the Psyker. That enemy unit must subtract -1 to all wound rolls made for that unit until the next Psychic Phase.

So there are the Relics and Rune Disciplines that are in the Codex: Craftworlds. Our very own Rob Baer will soon be getting a copy, so expect his review and tips soon.

What do you think about the Relics and Runes you have seen thus far? Are you hyped to play your Eldar? Let us know in the comments below!

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About the Author: Juan Lopez