NEW Fantasy 9th – Faction Rumors!

By Rob Baer | May 10th, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

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WFB 9th is creeping closer and the first word on a new faction has emerged!

via Faeit 5-9-2015 

“Warriors of Order” – New Faction for WFB 9th
“WFB – I’m in Nottingham for the week to visit friends, and one who has seen a new army book for Fantasy, says that the Warriors of Order are really cool, Core – Hammers of The Edge – like chaos warriors but with more straight edges”

Editor’s Note: These have been posted as being fake. Our apologies for quoting something that was not vetted by the original site.

Faeit took down the original post we quoted above and replaced with the text below. Whether or not this post was fabricated or posted as as bait for other sites (like Spikey Bits or BoLS, etc.) to tarnish their image(s) is unclear. Why Faeit did not leave up his original post is also unclear.


Remember kids, rumors are just that; rumors. Some pan out, and some are just wrong. We’re not in the habit of posting inaccurate information (and actually go to great lengths to try collaborate mostly all rumors posts) and ask that everyone keeps an open mind on these things.

These rumors were something we had heard previously about such troops, so we ran the post as ‘credible’.

WFB 9th Roundup

~Are these the heavily armored soldiers we heard about battling in the warp during the end times?