New Firefight: 2-Player Starter Set Hits Pre-Order

Firefirght feature rThe new Firefight: 2-Player Set will get you into the second season with a ton of new minis and rules- check it out!

The new season is looking like it will release in Q2 and focus on a new two-player set with new models, and obviously, new rules. The rulebook pack will be similar to the Deadzone pack with all the tokens and everything you need. The 2 player set on its own will release in April, so really not too far away now.

Then on top of that, they will be refreshing all the army packs to make them better than ever. One of the coolest things about the new season is the core rulebook will have rules for every faction, imagine that- just buying one book! Let’s get into the pre-order, but we’ll also check out all the previews for the rules and such.

Firefight: 2-Player Starter Set: £90.00

Firefight 2 player setThere are just a ton of minis inside and with all the rules, this is a pretty sweet deal! If you want to see what else Mantic has been releasing, check that out here!

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Firefight 2 player set 3Here’s everything you get in the new set:

Pre Order – Item will ship when available and in stock

  • 4x Marauder Commandos Sprue
  • 2x PVC Ripper suits (Bag A)
  • 4x Enforcers Sprue, 1x Peacekeepers Sprue
  • 1x Jetbikes
  • 1x Firefight Rulebook
  • 1x Firefight Force Lists Book
  • 1x Card Counter Sheet
  • 1x A4 Getting Started 8-page booklet, 2x 8 D8
  • 1x 2-player Command Dice set
  • 9x MDF 40mm Bases, 6.2x 25mm Round Bases Sprue

Now, let’s take a closer look at the preview so we can get an idea of the rules.

Firefight Second Season Preview From Mantic Games!

firefightWe’ll let them tell you what to expect with the new season:

Firefight is due for release in Q2 2022. The main focus will be a brand-new two-player set (which we’ll get into in a minute), a rulebook pack similar to Deadzone (rulebook, force list book and tokens) and a complete refresh of the army sets to make them better when getting started with a new force. With the rulebooks, we’re going to be diving deep into the world of the GCPS. Christopher Verspeak, who did a lot of work on the Warpath sourcebook and wrote the excellent First Strike, is updating the lore and background to make sure it’s up to date. We’ve also commissioned a load of fantastic artwork – some of which you can see on this blog.

New Models

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Talking of Marauders, they’ll be featuring in a new two-player set that pits them against the ruthless Enforcers. In a nod to the Mandrake Rebellion, the Marauders are on the rise again, so the Council of Seven has sent the Enforcers to stamp them out.

This new set contains our awesome new hard plastic Marauders, which can be used to build a variety of options for your army. Just take a look below at a small taste of the different builds…

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To help round out the Marauder force, we also have some resin pieces, like the gorgeous-looking Commando Skyscrapers. These are also compatible with the hard plastics, so you can mix and match the heads/arms.

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Finally, on the Marauder front, they are getting some support from the goblin weapons team. Can you hear that noise? It’s Rob squealing in excitement.

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But don’t worry Enforcer fans, you are getting some assistance to deal with those pesky Marauders in the form of a new Peacekeeper Captain… complete with nasty-looking Phase Claws.

That does it for this one! Just something awesome to pre-order now!

Get Your Set for the Firefight Second Season Here!