New Forge World 40k Releases, Restocks, & Selling Fast!

new forge world releases games workshop wal hor warhammer communityNew Blood Bowl and Horus Heresy are here along with some restock on popular Warhammer 40k kits, and an update to what is selling fast!

A few Forge World releases just went up for pre-order on Saturday. Along with them though we also saw some extra restocks on popular items that always seem to sell out.

horus heresy banner

Book 3: Extermination and Book 7: Inferno

book 3 book 7 horus heresy

You may remember these Horus Heresy books from a recent Sunday Preview, but unfortunately they ran into delays (a galaxy-spanning civil war can cause its share of logistical disruption, we suppose). These two tomes – Book 3: Extermination and Book 7: Inferno – are now coming to pre-order as planned.

Containing a bunch of rules and lore, these Horus Heresy Books are a great pick up for anyone interested in lore or playing 30k.

BLood Bowl banner

Lizardmen Kroxigor

kroxigor blood bowl

Lizardmen teams rejoice, for the mighty Kroxigor is coming to a pitch near you. Although their actual Blood Bowl skills leave a lot to be desired, these huge beasts are clad in thick natural armor and use their size and strength to bully even the toughest opposing teams.

Some of these new Blood Bowl models look sweet, so it makes their AoS eventual updates even more exciting.

Forge World Online Restocks

Coming straight from the Forge World weekly email, we got this look at some popular kits that are available again.

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A number of kits have finally returned to stock and are now available to order once again. Missed out first time round? Don’t fret, this is your chance to get your hands on them.

Primarchs are always iconic, which means a restock is pretty exciting for anyone who is a fan of them. The Daemon and Tank also make for some popular releases that plenty of people might want. The Iron Hands Praetor is more niche, but still is a dope model for anyone looking for a conversion or new character to add to their lists.

Forge World Selling Fast!


With games like Horus Heresy, Lord of the Rings, and Warhammer 40k going stronger than ever, there are a bunch of players out there that are keeping up with the meta. Check out what hobbyists are buying up fast these days with this updated Forge World Selling Fast list!

forgeworld selling fast 11-14This time around, there are some models selling fast that make perfect sense! Leviathan Dreads are pretty good in both 40k and AoS, which makes the Blood Angels a reasonable model that’s growing in popularity. Death Korps just got their plastic models in Kill Team, so it makes sense that people would go to Forge World with a new interest in adding more to their new faction.

The other releases also seem to make sense with a supposed Tau update coming to 40k next year, and Knights just receiving a buff in 40k, making them able to contest objectives with infantry. Saul Tarvits is a somewhat recent release, and he happens to be super iconic in the Horus Heresy, while Aeronautica seems to be on the upswing thanks to their recent Plastic Thunderhawk release!

It’s important to realize Forge World will usually take a bit longer to restock sold-out models, so if you are interested in any of these, you’ll definitely want to pick them up sooner rather than later.

All the Newest GW Model Previews For November & Beyond

Are you excited about these Forge World releases and restocks? What do you think about the Selling Fast models?

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