New Forge World Release, Age of Sigmar Stormcasts, and rumors for a second plastic 40k primarch and end times were going around this weekend. Don’t miss the latest on all the hot topics.
Whether you’re into 40k, Age of Sigmar, or even X-Wing we got something for you from the weekend:
GW Reveals Even MORE New Stormcast Models!
It is raining Stormcast Eternals! are getting some great looking additions to their army. These minis were spotted in, what appears to be, the new February White Dwarf.
RUMORS – New Winged 40k Primarch Model Spotted?
Grab all your salt, every last ounce of it, and come see what was just spotted in Europe. Is this the next plastic primarch for Warhammer 40k?
New Forge World Blood Bowl & Horus Heresy REVEALED!
Forge World just dropped some new releases for all of those Blood Bowl and Horus Heresy fans out there. Oh, and there’s new dice as well!
GW Squashes 40k “End Times” Rumor
Have you been wondering if this is the “End times” for Warhammer 40k? Well come take a look at what Warhammer TV had to say to one viewer about the topic.
So it looks like Chaos may be getting the next Triumvirate, Sigmar’s getting new Stormcasts, and we may see a new primarch model as well? Plus X-Wing Wave 10 is coming in hot this week at Gaming Stores the world over as well.
Latest on the 40k Time of Ending?