New GW Exclusive: A Funko POP! For All Space Marine Factions

funko pop warhammer 40k space marines

If you were wanting a custom chapter Funko POP! Space Marine then you may be in luck for one day only! Don’t miss the latest exclusive from GW!

Warhammer Community announced that coming on Warhammer day, June 29th, we will be able to get unpainted versions of Funko POP!’s Space Marines.

We Knew Something Was Coming

Remember, Warhammer Day is going to be a worldwide event where you can get the new Sister Superior Amalia Novena as well.

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In a video from Warhammer TV, they mentioned another Funko POP! miniature with the obvious silhouette of a Space Marine in a frame being available on Warhammer Day. And with a bunch of the hobbyists out there converting their own Space Marines from the Funko POP! line, we should’ve seen this coming.

GW Announces Unpainted Funko POP! Space Marine

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Very soon, we’ll be able to get an unpainted version of a Primaris Intercessor done up in Funko POP! style. That means we can paint this guy to any Chapter we like. For all the Chaos fans out there, you may need to add a few spikey bits to the helmet and shoulders, but this is still a fantastic place to start. Some of you have already taken the Funko painting into your own hands.

Check out one of the Marines that was shared in our Facebook Hobby Group!

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Painted By Shaun M. 

If you’re new to the Funko POP! scene, check out GW’s first wave of Marine miniatures in our video review!

Get Your Funko Pop Here!

With the new collectible miniature revealed, what colors are you going to paint him up as? Will you be converting him to Chaos? Have you already tricked out one of the Marines from the first release? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group!