New GW Releases – Forge World & Age of Sigmar

By Rob Baer | August 29th, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors



It’s hammer time! Come see all the new Age of Sigmar &  Forge World toys for this week!

via Games-Workshop


Celestant-Prime $80



The wrath of the God-King. The Avenging Angel of Azyr. The Bearer of the World-Hammer. The First Scion of Sigmar – this is the Celestant-Prime. A great king and guardian of men even in mortal life, he has been strengthened by a prodigious infusion of Sigmar’s divine might; but even this power was not enough. Now wielding the Skull Splitter, the Great Shatterer Ghal Maraz, the Celestant-Prime’s fury roars across the battlefields of the realms as an overwhelming clarion call. The thunderous impact of Ghal Maraz can slay a daemon with one blow, setting the spirit within free to make its way to Azyr.




This multi-part plastic kit is everything you need to build one incredible Celestant-Prime miniature. Carrying Ghal Maraz – the legendary Hammer of Sigmar – and a cometstrike sceptre, capable of bringing celestial objects down from the heavens to annihilate foes in a blaze of light and fury, this model is borne aloft on a celestial vortex, features an intricately-detailed cloak, and can be modelled with arms aloft or down by his sides. Forty components in total, includes a Citadel 100mm Round base.




Space Marine Battles: Angron’s Monolith $20


As war engulfs Armageddon, the mysterious and mistrusted Relictors Chapter of Space Marines deploys to the equatorial jungles. As they battle the feral orks who infest that region of the shattered world, they are also scouring the jungle in search of lost battle-brothers, sent to Armageddon in search of an ancient relic with links to the world’s mysterious past and to one of the Imperium’s arch-traitors, the primarch Angron…

Warhammer Visions 20 $12

Warhammer Visions 20

Sigmar strikes as Warhammer Visions 20 arrives and the Stormcast Eternals receive reinforcements in the shape of the Retributors, Decimators and Protectors of the Paladin Conclaves! The battle will be hard won, though, as the Bloodreavers, Blood Warriors and Exalted Deathbringers of Khorne surge forth to meet them. We’ve got a look in Latest Releases plus Army of the Month, Golden Demon, ’Eavy Metal, Blanchitsu, a feature on the Corruption of Ghyran, a look at the brand new Chaos Dreadhold, two great collections in the Aurelian Conclave and the Prophets of Eternal Change and loads more. Check it out now.

Web Bundle “Deal” for the week:

Thunderhead Brotherhood $250



You’ll receive three sets of Liberators and two sets of Judicators – the shield wall and archery specialists of the Stormcast Eternals.


We don’t normally do Forge World goodies – but one of these releases is time sensitive and the other was just plain awesome. So here you are:

via Forge World

Space Marine Legion Centurion – Web Launch Exclusive £20


Space Marine Legion Centurions are commanders and officers of the Legiones Astartes. They may hold many different ranks but each is tasked with the command of Legionnaires under arms, be that thousands of men and machines on campaign or a choice few units in a single assault, and each has demonstrated their skill in the heat of battle on countless occasions.


This Space Marine Legion Centurion wears ornate artificer armour, bearing heraldry dating back to the Great Crusade, and wields a bolt pistol and master-crafted power fist. His grim visage speaks of centuries of war and a life of service to the Imperium of Mankind.

Rules for using the Space Marine Legion Centurion in any Legion, Loyalist or Traitor, in Horus Heresy games, are included with the model. These rules include an exclusive Chapter Relic, allowing you to use the Legion Centurion’s ancient armour in Codex: Space Marine armies. You’ll also find these rules available to download on this page.



This is a complete, multi-part resin model supplied with a 32mm round base.

The Horus Heresy – Mechanicum: Taghmata Army List £32


The Horus Heresy Mechanicum: Taghmata Army List brings together the Mechanicum units and rules from The Horus Heresy Books One to Five in a 120 page, hard back book. It includes background and profiles for all of the units available to the Mechnicum Taghmata, Legio Cybernetica and Ordo Reductor armies as well as support aircraft, seven classes of Knight, the Warhound, Reaver and immense Warlord Titans and introduces powerful new units such as the Ordinatus Macro Engines.


Additionally, this book includes updated Age of Darkness expansion rules for playing games of Warhammer 40,000 during the Horus Heresy, and all of the weapons profiles and special rules you’ll need for your Mechnicum army.

The Horus Heresy Mechanicum: Taghmata Army List is an expansion to Warhammer 40,000. You will need a copy of the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook in order to use this book.


Overall, a fairly light week from Games Workshop. But I’m actually kind of glad – I don’t think my wallet could have handled any more abuse… Then again that Mechanicum book is looking MIGHTY tempting especially when you factor in that a typical hardback codex is £33-35!


Summer is wrapping up so get ready to ring the bell on fall some fall hobbying soon!