New Gw Releases & the Ultimate Teaser?

By Rob Baer | August 20th, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

chaos star fort

Games Workshop’s pulling out all the stops for this weeks teaser! Come see that and the new release leaks from White Dwarf 82!

images via Tabled Podcast (twitter) 8-19-2015

GW Products & Prices

First up, the prices and products confirmed:



Khorne Bloodbound Bloodwarriors $62 (10 models)

Chaos Dreadhold Skull Keep $75 
Chaos Dreadhold Malefic Gate $100
Chaos Dreadhold Overlord Bastion $130
Chaos Dreadhold Fortress Wall $25

Battletome: Chaos Dreadhold $33 (80pp hardback)  softcover only for Spanish & Italian
The Realgate Wars: Ghal Maraz $24 (128pp Hardcover by Chris Wraight

Next Week’s Teaser

Then we hit the most mysterious teaser White Dwarf has put on in a while:



“The Hallowed Knights, Golden Daemon and a Prime Example…” 

Hallowed Knights?

So would that be more Stormcast Eternals? Grey Knights? Imperial Knights? Something else entirely?

A Prime Example?

Tyranid Prime? Primarch? Something associated with a prime number?

~Are the Age of Sigmar releases coming to an end? 

Is Assault Back? Charging From Reserves Is Becoming A Trend! – Long War Episode 14