Games Workshop’s pulling out all the stops for this weeks teaser! Come see that and the new release leaks from White Dwarf 82!
images via Tabled Podcast (twitter) 8-19-2015
GW Products & Prices
First up, the prices and products confirmed:
Khorne Bloodbound Bloodwarriors $62 (10 models)
Chaos Dreadhold Skull Keep $75
Chaos Dreadhold Malefic Gate $100
Chaos Dreadhold Overlord Bastion $130
Chaos Dreadhold Fortress Wall $25
Battletome: Chaos Dreadhold $33 (80pp hardback) softcover only for Spanish & Italian
The Realgate Wars: Ghal Maraz $24 (128pp Hardcover by Chris Wraight
Then we hit the most mysterious teaser White Dwarf has put on in a while:
“The Hallowed Knights, Golden Daemon and a Prime Example…”
Hallowed Knights?
So would that be more Stormcast Eternals? Grey Knights? Imperial Knights? Something else entirely?
A Prime Example?
Tyranid Prime? Primarch? Something associated with a prime number?
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