New Horus Heresy FAQ SPOTTED!

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The attendees of this year’s New Year’s Open Day got access to the first copy of the new Horus Heresy FAQ. You’re not going to want to miss this!

We’re finally seeing the first FAQ for the new Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness. People who attended the Games Workshop New Year’s Open Day were able to get their printed copy of the new FAQ.

Age of Darkness HH Post

The new FAQ that was spotted on The Varangian Heresy Podcast’s Facebook page, but the original source is Maye Gelt who uploaded the full size picture on Google Drive.HH FAQ

“There’s a clarification sheet for the new rulebook already at the open day today as well as a couple changes.
Panalopy of war still allows singular knights as a LOW choice
Veterans with marksman no longer get ap2 on a 6 to wound when using template or blast weapons
Quad mortars lose the shellshock rule as it was only a carryover from when barrage caused pinning anyway.
Graviton imploders cause models hit to take a strength test or suffer the wound, against vehicles it’s 3d6 armour pen.
Combi volkite and grenades not being one use only was intended”

It’s great to see Forge World putting out an FAQ so quickly after the release, and clearing up some of the questions that the community had. So is Horus Heresy really a dying game? If Forge World thought so they wouldn’t be taking such an active role in getting an FAQ out so quick in our opinion. The majority of fans seem to enjoy the new Age of Darkness, and hopefully the new FAQ will just continue to make players happy.

What do you think about the new FAQ? Did Forge World clear up any question you may have not been able to answer? Let us know your thoughts, we’d really like to hear what the community has to say.

And while you’re at it, check out our review of Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness in the video below.

For more on the Age of Darkness Rulebook and all things Horus Heresy, visit Forge World!