New Necromunda Cawdor & Underworlds Looncourt Preview!

undergrounds-new-necromundaNew Necromunda Cawdor Ridge Walkers and Warhammer Underworlds Looncourt were revealed at the Grand Narrative Finale Preview!

The latest reveals from the Grand Narrative Finale preview are here! This is what Warhammer TV  and Warhammer Community had to say about them, along with our commentary on it as well!

Games Workshop Grand Narrative Finale Preview

This time around, both Necromunda and Underworlds grabbed some awesome minis!

GW Preview US OpenThere will be juicy reveals for Warhammer 40,000, Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Necromunda, and Warhammer Underworlds. You can catch all the details on Saturday. Fair warning to our fans in the UK and Europe – you’re going to have to get up pretty early for this one… Tune in at 4am GMT on the 19th of November.

An 11 pm preview on a Friday night here in the states (and well into the AM in the EU), what a time to be alive!

New Necromunda House  Cawdor Ridge Walkers

House Cawdor PreviewsCawdor might not have the best machines around, but these look to be quite deadly and will get your gang where they need to go!

As you can see, the Ridge Walker echoes a lineage of (much) prouder fighting machines from across the 41st Millennium. With these ramshackle creations, the pious followers of House Cawdor can make their way between the shrines and holy places on Necromunda, traversing even the most rugged terrain at a semi-dignified trot. 

House Cawdor PreviewsThey did a great job of making these not only have a pretty beat-up appearance but also look interesting at the same time. Plus, they are made for Ash Wastes, and they appear to have been in the desert maybe a little too long!

House Cawdor PreviewsFrom the looks of it, you’ll grab four Necromunda Cawdor Ridge Walkers in the box, which makes sense since they really aren’t too big. In the stream, they also mentioned there are going to be a ton of bits, so hopefully, you’ll be able to kitbash these!

The Way-Brethren who pilot these mechanical mules are capable warriors in their own right, using their speedy steeds to scout ahead of Cawdor convoys and bully their way through enemy lines. A number of them like to wield lances, aping the knights of ancient Terra, or the rather more refined technology fielded by Atillan Rough Riders. Despite their shonky appearance, these literal boomsticks can pack quite a punch – and come in a few varieties.

House Cawdor Previews

They sort of feel like small Dragoons, and the rules do somewhat reflect that idea.

New Warhammer Underworlds Grinkraks’s Looncourt

Grinkraks's LooncourtIn the stream, they mentioned that just like other knights in the Mortal Realms, they actually have to go on quests to join the gang, so they are all a little storied!

Grimkrak the Great

Grinkraks's Looncourt

The minis themselves are really cool and could fit into your existing Gitz army as some pretty flavorful characters.

Grinkraks's LooncourtLet’s be honest, who doesn’t love Night Goblins? These guys are just so flavorful!

Grinkraks's LooncourtThis warband has basically all the flavors; there’s a Squig Rider, a team throwing a Squig, and just so much more! If you play Gloomspite Gitz, this might totally be worth the pickup.

Gloomspite Gitz rules 2

Grinkrak the Great is more likely to be leading from the back – fungal flower of chivalry though he might be, you don’t rise to the heady heights of warband leader by taking too many risks. But, of course, if anyone gets too close, he’s pretty handy with his moon-slicer.

Check out the latest Warhammer 40k rumors for the rest of the 9th and even 10th Edition, new releases, and more!

Click Gallery below for full-size images.

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still left to be revealed!

    All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

    What do you think about the new models for Necromunda and Warhammer Underworlds Looncourt?

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