New Nurgle Heralds Teaser Arrives

By James Rodriguez | December 27th, 2017 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Nurgle, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Nurgle Herald Wal Hor

It’s the Heralds turn in the Seven Days of Nurgle series. Come take a look at the new minis and find out what is in store for this disgusting army.

Games Workshop is going strong in the Seven Days of Nurgle giving us a look at the new Heralds for day three. Let’s check out the new minis and see what they had to say about them.

Previously, Nurgle only had one kind of Herald available, known appropriately as a Herald. However, these guys only represented some of the myriad servants available to the God of Plagues, and with the new Codex: Chaos Daemons and Battletome: Maggotkin of Nurgle, Heralds are getting more diverse than ever.

Nurgle Herald Sigmar

Sloppity Bilepipers cavort and joke with Nurglings, Great Unclean Ones and Beasts of Nurgle (but not Plaguebearers, who lack a sense of humour) and strike horror into the hearts of their mortal foes.

On the tabletop, the Spoilpox Scrivener will ensure that your Plaguebearers fight harder, making them a handy strategic lynchpin for the rest of your army.

Here was our BOLD predictions on what these models were earlier in the week:

Two New Heralds of Nurgle?

These guys just look awesome, from Mr snoots on the left using his own Daemon Blood for ink, to the little guy munching all the paper below him, up to the Slimer mouth on his shoulder. This guy obviously has something to say. 40mm base?

On the right is Plauggie the happy bearer who again looks to be some sort of character or perhaps herald with an ability for either 40k or Age of Sigmar. Accompanying him on his shenanigans is DJ Jazzy B the dancing nurgling who is quite happy indeed. 32mm base?

I would put the guy on the left at $35 and $25 for the bagpipe Plaguebearer, or perhaps they are part of a combo kit that would be priced similar to the Lord Felthius and his 3 blighty friends $40 total.

plastic nurgle daemon preview new models plastic nurgle daemon preview new models

Nurgle fans will now have more model options for Heralds in their army, and Games Workshop has really stepped up their game when it comes to the amount of detail in these models. There’s still four more days of Nurgle ahead of us, so make sure you’re checking back when they preview even more.

What do you think about the new Heralds minis? Are you going to be adding these to your army? Drop us a line in the comments below and let us know.

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