New Nurgle Lord of Blights Teaser Arrives

By James Rodriguez | December 28th, 2017 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Nurgle, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Nurgle Blightking Wal Hor

It’s the Lord of Blights turn in the Seven Days of Nurgle series. Come take a look at the new minis and find out what is in store for this disgusting army.

Games Workshop is going strong in the Seven Days of Nurgle giving us a look at the new Lord of Blight for day four. Let’s check out the new mini and see what they had to say about it.

We’ve looked at some of Nurgle’s daemonic servants over the past couple of days, but next year will also see some of his mortal devotees join the battlefields on the Mortal Realms. (After all, Nurgle considers himself a god of life and is as alarmed as any about the growing threat of Death!)

Nurgle Blightking

First among these servants is the Lord of Blights, who joins a growing stable of Rotbringers heroes including the Lord of Plagues and the Glottkin themselves. The Lord of Blights is a brutal figure, armed with a towering shield and brutal maul as well as a host of strange abilities. On the battlefield, the Lord of Blights can shroud his fellows in swarming hosts of flies or hand out deadly death’s heads for Putrid Blightkings to fling at enemies!

Nurgle fans will now have a great time hobbying the new Lord of Blights, the amount of detail is amazing. But it doesn’t just look good, according what GW had to say the new Lord of Blights will be able to protect nearby friendly troops with swarming host of flies, or give your Blightkings a little help giving them deadly death’s heads to throw at your opponent. There’s still three more days of Nurgle ahead of us, so make sure you’re checking back when they preview even more.

What do you think about the new Lord of Blights mini? Are you going to be adding itto your army? Drop us a line in the comments below and let us know.

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