NEW PICS – Celestant Prime Model & Rules Leaked!

By Rob Baer | August 22nd, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors


The White Dwarf is already starting to break, and it’s not even the new week yet. Come see what the greater daemon of Sigmar will look like!

via Scanner

YESSS!!!! The rules. The model is as big as Nagash, and standing on a celestrial fulgrim that looks more like the top of a Numinous Occulum. He is wielding the Ghal Maraz in his right hand, with wings fashioned after the prosecutor models, but bigger. One picture shows him towering over the glottkin model.

unnamed (83)

The Celestant Prime
move 12″, save 3+, 8 wounds, bravery 10
Can fly

Two weapons
Ghal Maraz R2″ Attacks 2 Hit 3+ Wound 2+ Rend -3 damage 3
The Commetstrike Sceptre- calls down a comet from the heavens. Pick a point on the board within 24″ and roll a die; any model within the die’s range of the point takes d3 mortal wounds.

The Celestant Prime does not start the battle on the table. Instead he is in the Celestial Realm drawing additional power into Ghal Maraz. Each round decide whether or not he will enter the battlefield during the movement phase. For each round he stays in the Celestial Realm, he gains 2 additional attacks with Ghal Maraz.

When he comes on, set him up outside 9″ from enemy models anywhere on the board. He can’t move any further, and any enemy models within 12″ lose 2 bravery until the next hero phase.

Once per round, the mystical energies that swirl around his feet, grant him insight. You can change one die roll of your choice for the Celestant Prime before modifiers.

Wow, so Sigmars got a great daemon that can deepstrike onto the table, and can put the hurting on some of the bigger warscrolls out there too!

The Celestant Prime model sounds pretty good initially, Nagash is very good looking and if we got another character model on that same level, it would go far to recruiting player for the game like Nagash did for End Times.


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