NEW PICS – Magnus Battles Logan Grimnar in Warzone Fenris!

By Rob Baer | November 22nd, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors


It’s the battle of the titans as the Great Wolf looks to be taking on the Magnus the Red in the new Warzone Fenris supplement

Have you ever wondered why they tried covering up this picture on their cheeky “Dust Bins” video when it is so obviously Magnus underneath his hand?


Well take a look at this image from the new White Dwarf:


Now it makes sense. The wolves were in this picture, and pressing the attack is none other than the Great Wolf himself: Logan Grimnar!

and check out who’s coming at Magnus in this centerfold as well:

Magnus Thousand sons centerfold army

Question is does Logan have enough wolf talismans to take on Magnus and the fickle fickle powers of Tzeentch or will he need some allies like the Wolf King did 10,000 years ago?

Get ready to cut your teeth on the story will that will unfold in Wrath of Magnus in just a few short weeks!

“Ten millennia we have waited.
Now, vengeance comes to Fenris.”

GW curse of magnus

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