New Rules SPOTTED for Chaos Dreadhold Fortress

By Rob Baer | August 20th, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors


Come see the new rules for the first of the new Chaos Terrain sets for the Age of Sigmar – Chaos Dreadhold!

Via OverlordMark 8/20/2015

AoS: Battletome Chaos Dreadhold – first pics

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New Dreadhold Releases for 8-29

Chaos Dreadhold Skull Keep $75 
Chaos Dreadhold Malefic Gate $100
Chaos Dreadhold Overlord Bastion $130
Chaos Dreadhold Fortress Wall $25

Coming to a AoS tabletop near YOU!

Age of Sigmar Battletome Chaos Dreadhold Roundup