NEW RUMORS – Chaos Cult Terminators

By Rob Baer | January 10th, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

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Seems like Chaos Space Marines are getting a lot of attention lately, and not we’re hearing more about the fan favorite Cult Terminators!

Here’s the latest from today’s round of news form some of the best!


via Steve the Warboss 1-9-2015

Further clarifications for CSM Cult Marines
-No own Profiles/Choices for Cult Marines in the Codex
-Cult Marines are “upgrades” for the most of the CSM Units

via Nostromodamus 1-9-2015

Since we are on the subject concerning cult troops, besides remakes of the infantry, there will be Cult Terminators for World Eaters and Death Guard. No Terminators for the other two Gods (as of now) but there will be a cavalry unit for Slaanesh.

Full Chaos Rumor Roundup