New Secrets About The Tau Stormsurge REVEALED

By Rob Baer | September 18th, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

new tau stormsurge

Holy cow, the new pictures of the Tau Stormsurge model are loaded with Easter Eggs! Come see all the secrets unveiled!

images via Craig A (twitter) 9-15-2015



XV128 Stormsurge

What we’ve noticed:

  1. The kit is large and looks to be roughly designed around the Riptide.  It is more massive in volume due to the bulkier torso.
  2. While there were early rumors of a combo kit, I would be very impressed if GW managed to make the Stormsurge and Riptide a combo kit.  A separate kit is more likely. The legs look to be the most similar parts, and there are major components that are entirely different between both kits, such as the torsos, missile pods, and the Riptides jetpack and arms.
  3. Looking at these images, you can see two different weapon options on the giant shoulder-mounted upper gun.
  4. The Stormsurge may be the first multi-crew Tau suit.  You can see what looks like TWO red “heads” on the center and left of the torso (lower image).  Perhaps the Stormsurge has a pilot and a gunner like a modern attack helicopter.
  5. The Stormsurge has uparmored thigh plates compared to the riptide and looks to have built in kickstands to help it stabilise itself with all those weapons.
  6. The Stormsurge looks to be massively armed.  Based on the images I see:

a) upper giant gun

b) “arm missile pods” (x2)

c) quad “lower missile pods” (the ones with the silver tips directly below the large arm missile batteries)

d) that quad barreled 45-degree offset thing hanging below the right side of the torso (upper pic)

e) Smart Missile System (x2) above and behind the main missile batteries atop the cylindrical side torso components.

~Kings of the Shooting Phase?


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