New Seraphon AoS 3.0 Rules Coming in Next White Dwarf

By Travis Pasch | November 18th, 2021 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Games Workshop, Warhammer 40k Rumors

seraphon-new-rules-white-dwarfSeraphon will be the next Age of Sigmar army featured in White Dwarf to get updated over to the new 3.0 edition of AoS.

Honestly, this is a decent way to update armies because it can take years for every faction to get a book in the new edition. This is a pretty cheap middle ground to updating the armies. Even though it’s been a while now since their book came out they did get a small update in the Broken Realms series too.

Warhammer Community announced the details, but keep expecting this to be the way GW does the updates for a while now, especially considering how long the Stormcast and Orruks release has taken. While they could easily just give the updates out for free, this is better than spending a bunch of hobby dollars on a battletome for sure!

Seraphon AoS 3.0 Update Coming in Next White Dwarf

Seraphon 3.0 update

This month’s Tome Celestial comes as part of a Flashpoint Clash set in the inviolable Realm of Azyr. We won’t spoil the specifics of what’s going on there, other than to say it’s pretty ominous…

In any case, the Tome Celestial dives into the lore of the Seraphon, and brings them right up to date with the latest events as the Soul Wars give way to the Era of the Beast. 

We think this is a decent way to handle the situation because if not, some armies will get really left in the dust. If the Slaves to Darkness update is anything to go off, it most likely though will only be a few pages. With the ways to build your army taking center stage. 

Seraphon 3.0 update 2

What’s more, this faction gets an official battletome update, with a replacement for the Primeval Domain allegiance ability and a new core battalion – Thunderquake – as well as new Path to Glory campaign rules and more besides. If you’re a fan of the scaly scions of the Old Ones, White Dwarf Issue 469 is unmissable.

If you play Seraphon, these are official rules, so you really should pick this up, even though they recently raised prices on the magazine to $11 an issue now in the states.

These rules were spotted over on Imgur.

New Seraphon AoS 3.0 White Dwarf Rules Update

seraphon wd core battalionFirst up is all the Core Battalions you can take in the new AoS 3.0 style. There’s not a ton of variety here but we’re sure when they get a book things will be more fleshed out.

seraphon wd allegiance


seraphon wd allegiance 2This section covers the Allegiance abilities, which seems to make the terrain more troublesome for your opponents and also gives a choice of buffs to a mounted hero!

seraphon wd matched play

The Grand strategy is kind of hard to get considering you have to be wholly in each quarter, meaning you have to have four units alive and have them spread all over the board. However, The Astromatrix might be very easy, considering some factions don’t even field Wizards!

The battle tactics are actually not super hard overall though. These aren’t very particular and kind of just have you do things you might be doing anyway.

They also updated all the Open Play rules along with the Path to Glory, which is nice if you like playing more narrative games for the Seraphon faction in Age of Sigmar.

Check out all the other Battletome rules updates inside previous White Dwarf Magazines for Age of Sigmar.

All the Latest New AoS 3.0 Rules Updates FAQs & More

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