New Seraphon Skink Starseers are Masters of the Arcane!

Skink Starseers featureThe new Seraphon Skink Starseers have been revealed by GW and they keep things running when the Slann are too busy contemplating!

GW just keeps the new Seraphon models coming! We saw the big reveal back at LVO, but we’ve recently seen way more for the lizards. This is a good time to be a Seraphon fan, as they are getting one of the biggest reworks we’ve seen in a while for AoS.

We’ll see if this is the last reveal, as at the end of the WC article, they weren’t so forward about more models on the way. But let’s hope this doesn’t mean this is it…

New Seraphon Skink Starseers are Masters of the Arcane!

The Skink comes from this Warhammer Community post.

Skink Starseers

While the sagacious Slann Starmasters spend their lives unpacking and executing the complex cosmic plans of the Old Ones, quotidian matters of Seraphon society fall to skink scholars and priests, who are in turn led by shrewd Skink Starseers. Don’t let the small size of these reptilian rectors fool you – Skink Starseers are second only to the Slann in their mastery of the arcane powers.

The model is actually really cool, as it’s nice to see a Skink get a palanquin of its own! Obviously, it’s not quite as ornate as the Slann’s, but who would expect it to be?

Skink Starseers 2

Much like their caecilian commanders, Skink Starseers float into battle on arcanite palanquins, which conduct thaumaturgical energy and boost the lizard wizard’s powers. Utilising astromantic tools, orbs of pure star-glass, and their throne’s inbuilt dais, they read the constellations to provide celestial guidance to Seraphon armies.

There are some pretty ornate details on the model, and it should float reasonably high above the rest of your lizards. If you want more magic, you can’t go wrong with this.

Skink Starseers Rules

Skink Starseers 3

Once per battle in the hero phase, these heavenly hieromancers can provide vital information by choosing to Scry the Stars. Drawing on knowledge snatched from the empyrean expanse, they roll a number of dice equal to the current battle round, with each roll of 2 or more blessing a unit with a 5+ ward.

If you could get two or three 2+’s, this would be really sweet. While it’s not the most insane thing ever, getting a 5+ ward save on multiple units can really save your skin (or scales).

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

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