New Sisters of Silence 40k Rules From OCT White Dwarf SPOTTED

By Wesley Floyd | October 14th, 2019 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors, White Dwarf

sisters of silence talons of the emperor custodes

October’s White Dwarf is coming in hot with new Sisters of Silence rules for Warhammer 40k! Check out what’s been spotted.

We already knew that Sisters of Silence were coming in this month’s White Dwarf. However, we’ve just gotten a first look inside the exact rules they’ve gotten. Check out the latest that was posted by Bob at War of Sigmar.

Sisters of Silence White Dwarf Datasheets & More Spotted

WD Sisters of Silence 1

It’s in French but luckily it’s been translated. Bob at War of Sigmar has what appears to be its English translation:

  • Chasseuses de Sorciers: Reroll wound rolls for melee attacks that target Psykers. This is the same as the previous Witch Hunters rule from the Index Imperium 2 
  • Abomination Pschique: The unit can’t be targetted or affected by psychic powers. Psychic tests and Deny the Witch tests are -1 when within 18″ to a max of -4.  It’s hard to see but it does not look like the restriction to this ability if they are embarked rule is present in this copy.
  • Dame du Néant : If your Warlord has the Imperium keywords, you can include this unit in a vanguard detachment without restrictions on QG?. The detachment restriction is changed to 0-2 and bonus: none. (Essentially, this looks like the Vanguard detachment of sorts). This appears to be a brand new rule similar to the Assassins one.
  • protocoles D’accusation :  Sniper against Psyker

Sisters of Silence art

As for the actual units, their stats are in French as well. However, you can easily tell what they’ll look like on the table.

Prosecutors & Vigilators Datasheets

WD sisters of silence 2A squad of five Prosecutors is only PL 3 (which is under 50 pts) and comes with T3 single-wound Sisters of Silence that have the protocoles D’accusation rule which looks to allow them to target Psykers even if they aren’t the closest unit. Prosecutors are the shooty-variant of Sisters armed with Psy grenades that can do mortal wounds to Psykers or Daemons.

As for the Vigilators, they’re the melee aspect of Sisters getting S4 force swords with 2 attacks base (3 for the Sergeant). At PL 4, they’re slightly more expensive but have a much better damage output against chunky targets. Paired with a 7″ move, these are probably the more competitive option.

WD sisters of silence 3

Witchseekers look to have an assault D6 flamer as well as 2 attacks base at S3. You obviously don’t take them for their punching capability. However, it’s nice to see that they can fight themselves out of a screen tarpit if needed. But with an entire squad getting flamers, you’ll probably never see that happen.

Finally for their transport, in the wake of all the Primaris stuff, Sisters are still rolling around in their souped-up Rhino. It’s what you’d expect from a normal Rhino as far as stats go but comes with a single-shot missile launcher on the top.

WD sisters of silence 4

Altogether, the most expensive squad is the Witchseekers with flamers being 16 pts a pop. Vigilators are right behind them at 15 pts a pop. It might be a little off-putting to pay 16 pts for a single T3 one-wound model, however, if you can protect them, they can certainly do the damage.

Points wise they are all down from 11 points and the Rhino dropped from 70 to 65.  Their greatblade went down 3, and their flamer is now 6 from 9 as printed in the 2017 Index Imperium 2. Battlescribe, however, lists everything the same, sans the Rhino, so it is possible they had a Chapter Approved update over the last two years.

What do you think about the rules and datasheets for the Sisters of Silence in 8th edition? Will you be pairing these ladies up with some Inquisitors and Grey Knights for the ultimate fluff?

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