New Khorne Blood Bowl Team Revealed at Gen Con

new-blood-bowl-warhammer-gen-con-revealA new Warhammer Blood Bowl Khorne Team has been revealed at Gen Con along with previews for each of the models – check it out!

GW promised a bunch of previews at Gen Con this year and Blood Bowl is the next one up. Unfortunately, it’s just one team, but it’s still some awesome new models!

Warhammer Community just revealed the full team and all of the models. Let’s get into the reveals, but if you want to see all the latest from Gen Con click any of the links below (we’ll update them as more comes out).

New Skull-tribe Slaughterers Blood Bowl Team Release Revealed


If you thought it would be impossible for a team to be EVEN MORE VIOLENT than the Norse, the Orcs, or the Black Orcs, think again. The Skull-tribe Slaughterers are devotees of Khorne, which means a whole new level of brutality. Not just any old brutality, mind – the kind that gives even the most hardened apothecary nightmares.

Overall this new team looks sick! Of course, it’s all Blood Bowl-themed, but it also gives us a peek at what some of these units reimagined might look like, or perhaps what new 40k Chaos Berzerkers may also look like.

The team comes with the following units:

– 6x Bloodborn Marauder Linemen: The team’s psychotically aggressive core players

– 4x Bloodseekers: Berserk champions of the Blood God who can smash their way through any line

These will undoubtedly serve as the core and main actors in the team and will probably lightly reflect their AoS counterparts in terms of power level to each other.

Lastly, this is the final member of the new Blood Bowl team:

– 2x Khorngor: Ferocious Bestigors who bear the mark of Khorne – and an belligerent streak a mile wide

This model is especially exciting to look at because compared to the other models in the team and their standard AoS counterparts Khorngors are the most outdated by a huge margin. With them not having a model in-game for a few editions and iterations now.

Check out the latest New Release Roadmap & Gen Con Reveals!

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