New Sons of Behemat Battletome Contents Revealed!

battletome-sons-of-behematGW just revealed the new Sons of Behemat Battletome contents along with the artwork for the new book- check it out!

Games Workshop had said this book would come out in the fall, and with the contents revealed it looks like they are on schedule to get the book out, which is always good to see!

There have been a few small rules revealed, but with the contents out, we expect to see a lot more soon.

Warhammer Community unveiled these new Sons of Behematt rules along with the new art. Let’s take a closer look!

New Sons of Behemat Battletome Contents Revealed!

Sons of Behemat Battletome

The new book is beefier than before, with all the rules you need to field your army alongside a giant-sized lore section, which tells the history of the gargants from the Age of Myth right through to the current Era of the Beast.

It’s been fully updated for the current edition of Warhammer Age of Sigmar, with new monstrous rampages and an in-depth Path to Glory section for narrative play. Taking gargants on campaign is a unique experience – their “territory” tends to be wherever their feet last landed…

It’s always good to see newer armies continue to get updated along with the new edition. We’ll have to see how they play with the new book, but either way, they are giant models, so super fun!

Sons of Behemat Battletome 2

With new and updated warscrolls and two faction-specific core battalions, the battletome opens up new ways to play your big, beautiful behemoths. For the gargant-curious, there are rules to add one flavour of Mega-Gargant to each of the four Grand Alliances, so everyone can join in the Realm-stomping fun.

It looks like the only new Gargants will be two we’ve already seen. Plus, sometimes, there is a chance it will be a single kit with both options, but we’re not 100% sure about that.

Like all the Battletome books, they have all kinds of lore and a decent-sized painting guide inside as well, from the looks of it.

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews

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