Sons of Behemat King Brodd & Ogor Hunter Top New AoS

King Brodd is joining the ranks of the Sons of Behemat, and a new Ogor Hunter was revealed at the 2022 Nova Open GW Preview!

Another big online GW Preview for all things Warhammer is here! Here are the latest reveals from Warhammer TV  and Warhammer Community, for Age of Sigmar along with our commentary on all of it.

Games Workshop Nova Open Preview 2022

GW previews NOVA

…see what’s coming for Warhammer 40,000, Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Warhammer: The Horus Heresy, and Warhammer Underworlds, join us from 1 am BST on the 1st of September. Don’t worry, this is definitely worth staying up for!

A brand new Sons of Behemat model has been revealed at the Nova Open 2022 previews to fill in the release schedule around the big Summer Skirmish Preview back in July. 

New Sons of Behemat King Brodd

New sons of BehematHe actually was there when Behemat was struck down and now he’s out for revenge and coming to destroy the little cities of Sigmar!

sons of Behemat new models 2This is quite a fantastic kit, and it looks like it will be a rebox of the current kit with a new sprue or two added in. They also mentioned he will be able to ramp up the force of your current force.

sons of Behemat new models 3

This towering titan is brought to life via an expansion kit that turns a regular Mega-Gargant into a bludgeoning blue-blooded behemoth. He’s covered in Creepers, the tiny red imps who braid the beards of these giant beings, apply their warpaint, and ride them into battle.

There really is a ton of detail on this model, and he’s a priest-king of the Gargants!

New Bloodpelt Hunter

The Bloodpelt Hunter is a curious ogor – while most of his fellows immediately eat their prey and leave only marrow-sucked bones behind, he keeps whole body parts intact, preserved and strung about his person as trophies.

Bloodpelt HunterWhile this is a little different, it’s nice to see any new Ogor models! They didn’t mention whether this is leading to a bigger release for the Ogors, but judging from the Battletome roadmap below, they will be getting something…

New Age of Sigmar Battletome Roadmap

Rules for this cunning poacher will be sneaking out inside a brand new Battletome: Ogre Mawtribes, which will arrive in a one-two punch of Destruction alongside Battletome: Sons of Behemat.

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still to be revealed!

What do you think about these Nova Open 2022 previews for all the new AoS releases?

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