New Star Wars Armada, Destiny, Legion & X-Wing Prize Kits


New Organized Play kits are coming out soon!.Come check out what you can expect to see for Star Wars Armada, X-Wing, Legion, and Destiny from FFG!

Next season’s Organized Play kits are almost here, and today we’re going to take a look at what you’re going to have the chance to win for Star Wars Armada, X-Wing, Legion, and Destiny. Let’s take a look at what Fantasy Flight Games had to say about them.

Star Wars Armada:


The casual competitions supported by Organized Play offer you an ideal time to tinker with experimental G7-X Grav Well Projectors,  daring new Rebel tactics, and all the options afforded by upgraded TIEs like the TIE phantom and TIE defender. Your local game nights are great opportunities for you and your friends to meet other Armada players and get more experience with Grand Admiral Thrawn,   Admiral Raddus,  the Chimaera,  and the Profundity.

More than this, the upcoming tournament season means that your Fleet Patrol tourneys will now be supported by a whole new array of tournament prizes!

Armada Organized Play Kit

 Prizes are awarded to each of the Top 16 players, with each of the Top 4 able to choose from an additional assortment of Elite Prize Cards and Elite Prize Items.

  • Top 16: Alternate art Expanded Hangar Bay. The top sixteen participants in each Fleet Patrol event—or at whatever event your retailer runs with its Season One Armada kit—each receive an alternate art copy of the ever-popular Expanded Hangar Bay. Even as it increases your ship’s squadron value by one, the card inspires fear with artwork depicting the full strength of an Imperial fleet consisting of multiple Star Destroyers and countless TIE fighters!
  • Elite Prize Card: Alternate art TIE Phantom Squadron. Celebrate your success with an alternate art TIE Phantom Squadron. Are they cloaking or decloaking? It’s hard to tell. But then again it’s always hard to tell when and where these powerful fighters are going to strike.
  • Elite Prize Item: Set of five acrylic Concentrate Fire tokens. To the victor go the spoils—such as one of two sets of five custom Concentrate Fire tokens each. Made of acrylic and frosted white with red paint, these tokens do more than ensure your shots hit for maximum impact—they look good doing it.

 Star Wars X-Wing:

X-Wing OP

The next season of X-Wing™ Organized Play is nearly here, and it’s bound to be full of heated battles, experimental tactics, and fantastic explosions.

The ships and upgrades from Waves XII and XIII continue to make their way onto tables, and their presence has provided new strength to some of the game’s older fighters and bombers. Accordingly, we’ll see ordnance launched at high-speed trajectories, skilled Imperial pilots weaving effortlessly through and around asteroids, Scum enforcers trying to catch foes in their bullseye firing arcs, and Rebel squadrons taking advantage of the new Sheathipede-class shuttle and its coordinate action. Add the adjustments from the latest FAQ (pdf, 6.8 MB), and you’re looking at a season that promises to be one of great, dynamic changes—with players everywhere adapting to an ever-shifting battlefield.


As always, the best part is that you don’t even have to make the top tables to walk away with some of these exclusive materials. Just show up, and you’re immediately in the running! Prizes are available to each of the Top 16 players, with additional Elite Prize Cards and Elite Prize Items available to the Top 4.

  • Top 16: Alternate art Shadowport Hunter. The Top 16 players at each Stay on Target tournament receive an alternate art Shadowport Hunter. Shown flying through an asteroid belt, the Shadowport Hunter menaces with full-bleed artwork and a vessel bristling with laser cannons.
  • Elite Prize Card: Alternate art “Quickdraw,” an elite First Order pilot for the tournament’s elite. With her retaliatory fire, “Quickdraw” has quickly established herself as one of the game’s top aces and a favorite among Imperial players. Now, you can get her firing even faster with alternate art that depicts the First Order pilot in her fight suit, lining up her next kill shot.
  • Elite Prize Item: Set of five metal shield tokens. While it’s true that “Quickdraw” has the potential to attack more than once per round, it’s also true that she can only take her bonus shot on a round that she loses shields… So that makes it all the sweeter to place at one of Season One’s Stay on Target tournaments. Any player who claims these metal shield tokens and uses them for “Quickdraw” gets to track her shields and bonus shots in style!

Star Wars Destiny:


You activate your character. You roll in your dice. And your game of Star Wars™: Destiny explodes into action—thrusting you into the thick of heated battles between the Star Wars galaxy’s greatest heroes and villains!

Darth Vader and Boba Fett may team up against Luke Skywalker and Han Solo. General Grievous and Kylo Ren may try to take down Mace Windu and Maz Kanata. Or Rey and Saw Gerrera might lead a Padawan on a desperate mission against General Hux and his squad of First Order Stormtroopers… No matter what team you field or which characters you face, you’ll find the action is fast and furious, full of tricks, cunning tactics, and Force powers—and it’s even better when you begin your Jedi training by joining the Organized Play community.


Perhaps the best thing about the prizes for Destiny Organized Play is that you don’t need to confront Darth Vader in order to claim them. In fact, you don’t even need to make your way to the top tables in order to walk away with new ways to spice up your favorite Destiny decks. The prizes for your local Clash of Fates tournament come with prizes for all the Top 16 participants, with additional Elite Prize Cards and Elite Prize Items available to the Top 4.

  • Top 16: Alternate art The Force Is With Me. You must learn control if you hope to improve at Destiny, and The Force Is With Me provides you with an efficient means of timely dice removal. This is especially valuable in the new Trilogy format and if your local meta is bombarding you with all kinds of indirect damage. And while it’s true that you’ll also need to deal damage to defeat your opponents’ characters, the extended artwork—which depicts Obi-Wan right before his selfless sacrifice—reminds us that our games of Destiny are full of dramatic turns. Sometimes we need to sacrifice a beat of momentum or even a character in order to play toward the ultimate victory.
  • Elite Prize Card: Alternate art Holdout Blaster. The Holdout Blaster is a staple among the galaxy’s smugglers and scum, and its new extended art has it almost leaping out of its holster, ensuring you’re ready to shoot first at a time of need!
  • Elite Prize Item: Set of five acrylic damage tokens. You win your games by taking as little damage as possible—all while dealing it out in copious amounts. Unless you’re playing a “mill” strategy based around emptying your opponent’s draw deck and hand, damage is at the heart of your strategy, and these acrylic damage tokens make every point of damage more dramatic with their smoky black base and red design.

Star Wars Legion:

As exciting as it is to leap into action with the opening shots of a Launch Weekend, the in-store events to follow represent the true core of Star Wars: Legion Organized Play. This is, after all, a hobby miniatures game of nearly limitless possibility, and in-store events allow you to tackle all manner of new operations over the course of weekly game nights, single-day events, and even casual games coordinated with your favorite local game store. It all begins with the Recruitment Kit.

Star Wars Legion Recruitment Kit

The Recruitment Kit also comes with prizes to reward your participation in Star Wars: Legion Organized Play, as well the support you show your favorite local game store.

  • 17 extended art Aurebesh Stormtrooper upgrade cards
  • 17 extended art Aurebesh Rebel Trooper upgrade cards
  • 13 Imperial commander tokens
  • 13 Rebel commander tokens
  • 1 certificate for Best Painted Commander
  • 1 certificate for Best Painted Corp

Get those lists back in working order, make the changes you need to, and get you some of this freshest, sweetest, swag from Fantasy Flight Games.

What do you think about the latest Organized Play kits from FFG? Are you getting your list tuned for the upcoming season? Drop us a line in the comments below and let us know.


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